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I wake up and i am going back to work after only 3 days after the funeral and i have been crying for all three days and my head hurts from all of the crying and i need to get up and think about saving other peoples lives. so i sit up but i bolt for the bathroom and i throw up and i feel sick. i think it is because of all of my stress after Aaron died and i had a bad dream last night and Aaron was there and we was dying all over again and i woke up crying again. i have been like this for two weeks now and i just thought that it was normal for a girl who was stressed out. but for safety i am taking a pregnancy test. god if im having a baby i don't know who but it is imposible thanks to Morgan. i wait 3 minutes and i go check it and i am shocked and don't know what to say now.

I call JJ and when she pick up i screamed JENNIFER IT HAS TWO LINES WOMAN IM PREGNANT HOLY SHIT IM HAVING A BABY I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT OHHH GOD I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. i hear her say CALM DOWN EMILY HOLY CRAP REALLY EM ARE YOU SURE IT HAS TWO LINES. i told her i was not crazy and that i am seeing two lines and she needs to get down here and fast. So she told me to hang tight and that she was on her way over. she comes over with Penelope and she asks me what was going on here and JJ runs to the bathroom and i hear her scream and she says EMILY YOUR REALLY PREGNANT I SEE THE TWO LINES. I smiled and she hugged me and Penelope is standing there and she starts to tear up and we grab her and we have a big hug and we can't help but touch my soon to be baby bump that will grow for nine months. but then it hits me harder then a ton of bricks and i think oh god i am all alone and the baby has no father and i want to cry because i wanted Aaron to be here when i told him i was pregnant and i want him to be with me by my side as our son or daughter was being born. i start to cry and JJ gives me a hug and says your not alone on this Em i promise. i think this is too much to handle for me right now i want Aaron to know this now that he was going to be a father in 7 months. i JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT.just then my phone rings and the girls are really happy but i look at the ID and i could not see because i cant beleive my's Aaron hotchner

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