Preference- How You Two Meet

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It was a cool crisp autumn morning, you were in your home state of New York visiting family. You went out to enjoy the beautiful morning, this was your favorite time of the year. You were wearing tall tan leather boots with black leggings and a stripped long sleeve shirt with a big cozy scarf and your hair curled. You passed by a few shops and decided to stop at a local bakery, getting doughnuts for you and your family because who doesn't love a good doughnut? You got a dozen glazed and a coffee and headed out the door. You weren't paying much attention on your way out and bumped into a man and dropped your doughnuts and spilled coffee all over your chest. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I'll replace the doughnuts and the top please forgive me!" A deep startled tone exclaims. He puts a hand on your shoulder, and you look up. His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue. When his blue eyes meet (Y/E/C) it was like an instant spark had ignited. "It, it's okay.." you say, forgetting the scolding coffee on your chest. "I'm Joe..." he says blushing but not breaking eye contact. "I'm (Y/N).... it's a pleasure to bump into you..." you say dazed. "The pleasures mine. Now c'mon, I need to replace your shirt. And how about after that we can go sit down and eat somewhere?" Joe asked, hope lingering in his voice. "Yeah, id enjoy that a lot!" You say with a smile. "Perfect." Joe smiles back. You completely forgot getting your family the doughnuts but they didn't mind, after further explanation and you coming home a lovesick puppy.

Murr (James)
It was Tuesday morning, and you were preparing for your morning run. You worked hard to maintain your slim physique after years of torment in school about being a chunk. You put on a pair of black and white speckled Capri length leggings and a black Nike sports bra with a light weight gray zip up jacket over that. You slipped on your black and white Nike tennis shoes and headed out the door. You also popped in your Bluetooth earbuds and started blaring your workout tunes, distractions weren't your thing. You decided you'd do your longer run today, which meant going through Central Park. On your run, a man stopped you and wanted to talk to you. You thought he was an A1 cutie, with his dress shirt and tight pants that made his butt look nice. He didn't have a lot of hair, but he smiled and that was enough for you, it was one that made you smile too. "Hey, is your refrigerator running?" He laughed as he asked. "Oh brother." You roll your eyes, trying to act tough and like you were playing hard to get. "W-what? Do you... WAIT NO GUYS I CANNOT ASK HER THAT! SHES TOO FAR OUT OF MY LEAGUE!" You thought he was crazy at that point, but still stood, arms crossed and a puzzled expression masking how much you wanted to smile. The man titled his head quickly and smiled, almost like a twitch. You needed to get going because you had work later, so you asked "hey I forgot my number, do you think I could get your number to compensate?" He grinned ear to ear and chuckled as he took your phone and put in his number. "my name is James, or you can call me Murr, as long as you call me I won't mind what you address me as!" You giggle and say "my name is (Y/N) and you can count on a phone call, I'll see you around, James." You winked and continued on your run.

You were working at a local pet store, you absolutely adored animals and reptiles and fish of all sorts. You were especially excited here recently, there was a new litter of cuddly kittens in at your location you got to play with and love! Cats have always been your favorite animal. A man entered the store, looking terrified. He had dark hair and dark framed glasses. He was wearing a flannel and he seemed to be into his looks. He was pretty dang cute holy heck! You put down a kitten and approached the man, "Hello sir! Is there anything I can help you with today?" He looked at the ground. "My name is Sal and I'm a loser and I'm here to see what kind of cats you have.." you smiled in hopes he had the same love for cats as you did. You were dead wrong. The man seemed horrified of them! He didn't even know how to hold the cuddly creatures! "Would you like some help? You hold them like this!" You adjusted his hands and put one onto the kitten so he could pet it. It was your favorite kitten in the store. A long haired white little ball of fluff. You planned on adopting him tonight, but this man fell in love with him to surprise everyone! The cat purred and purred and snuggled into Sal. "Thank you so much for helping me, hard to believe but I was horrified of cats.." he said nervously. "No kitten." You said chuckling at the pun you just made. The cute stranger laughed. "hey you're pretty cute, what's your name?" He said trying to laugh of his nerves. "(Y/N)" you say shyly. "That's such a beautiful name! Would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date, and not just because I want to win a bet or anything." You looked puzzled, but went and grabbed a piece of paper from the desk behind you guys and wrote your name, number, and the hours you worked. "Here you are honey, don't let me down now." You say with a smile. "Oh. I won't!" He said, as he puts down the kitten. Thank goodness that fur baby was gonna be yours. He left and texted you almost immediately after leaving the room.

Q (Brian)
You were having the morning from hell. Your alarm didn't go off so you overslept and we're going to be late, you ripped your favorite dress slacks getting dressed, and then proceeded to spill coffee on your pants in the car. "It'll get better" you assure yourself. Things on the way we're going great, until on the radio your bad luck song came on. You heard that first chord and immediately knew, something bad was going to happen. As you traveled down the busy interstate, your tire deflated. "FUCKING HELL." You exclaimed as you pulled off to the side of the road. You hit your head a few times against the steering wheel while waiting for work to pick up so you could inform them you'd be late and tell them your situation. Once off the phone, you popped your trunk and got out of the car. You knew how to change a tire on your own, you were strong and independent. You jacked up your car af removed the lug nuts from the rim and removed the tire. Just then, a red jeep pulled up behind you. You had a monkey wrench in your hand, if he was a predator you knew you were safe and could do some damage to some shins with that thing. He stepped out of his car. He was handsome as could be. He had long dark hair and big sun glasses on. He was wearing pleated shorts with a zip up jacket and a plain black tee shirt and blue tennis shoes. "Do you need help?" He asked loudly, trying to be heard over the roar of traffic. He squatted down beside you, he smelled so nice. "Nevermind you seem to know what you're doing!" He laughed. "You can keep me company if you want! My name is (Y/N) and it's awfully nice of you to try to stop and help!" You looked up with a smile. "Hi (Y/N) my name is Brian and it's a pleasure to meet such a strong woman like yourself. Say, you're absolutely stunning, would you uh want to go on a date or something, if you don't have a boyfriend that is!" He exclaimed over traffic. You smiled and nodded as you finished up your tire. You exchanged numbers and headed to your jobs. "It was nice meeting you!" You both said simultaneously. You waved each other off and your whole day was made because of that kind not-so-stranger.

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