Preference- He finds out you're pregnant

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A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in a good while, I've been so busy with band and everything that I do. I'll be updating a lot tonight so be on the look out!
Also this was requested, so please feel free to message me with ideas for more stories!

It was about 4 weeks after your honeymoon. Things that night were wild. You can't even remember half of it! You woke up that morning with a horrible stomach pain and nausea. After spending about half an hour throwing up any remnants of your stomach contents, you got curious. Could you be pregnant? You decided it was best to go out and get some at home tests to find out.
You went to the store and picked up 3, in case of a false positive. Taking all 3, they all came up positive. The feeling came back in your stomach, but this time it was nerves. What if Joe wasn't happy about the news? You decided to ring up your favorite of the jokers, Murr.
"Come on James, pick up." you said as the phone rang in your ear. "Hello!" James said with a chipper tone. "Hey, can I talk to you about something serious?" You said very monotone. "Yeah hold on let me go into another room away from the guys- hey guys I have to take this it's important I'll be right back." You hear him say to the guys. You could only assume he stepped outside, being as you heard a door open and shut. "Okay what's up? And how private is this conversation?" He asked. "150%. Murr, I'm pregnant." You could hear his jaw drop through the phone. "How long have you known?" He said in shock. "Since this morning, and I don't know how to tell Joe. What if he doesn't want kids?" You say worried. "You're his wife, he will be thrilled to start an actual family other than (your dog's name)" James laughed. "That dog is my child you shut the FUCK up. But. Okay. I'll figure out a way." You say nervously. "Thanks Murr. Oh and if the boys ask, your mother called." "Haha you got it. Love you mom, see you later." You clicked off.
You texted Joe a little later. "Hey babe, it's been a while since we've had a date night, want to go out for dinner tonight? xx" he showed his friends the phone at that. "I have the sweetest wife. I got to get going guys. M'lady wants to go on a date" and with that, Joe was headed home. You decided you wanted to look stunning for him. Just because you're married doesn't mean you don't have to give effort. (A/N Say it louder for the people in the back @my mom and stepdad) You picked out a classy black and red dress, that was fitting but not too fitting. You're toned body wasn't going to be toned much longer so might as well wear that dress while you can. You decided on some black heels and hair down. Your makeup was more of a natural, warm look to bring out your features. You were in the bathroom getting ready as Joe got home, so he changed. You came out, and he was in dress pants and a burgundy dress shirt. You loved that shirt on him. "Ooooh my baby looking gooooood, do a little turn for me honey." He cooed at you. You smiled and obliged. You then said, "ooooh my hubby looking gooood, do a little turn for me baby." He laughed, stuck out his butt and put a hand on his hip as he did so. "Okay now lets go I'm starving!" He demanded.
You guys got to dinner and ordered. As you waited for your food, you decided it was time to tell him. "Joe, I need to tell you something." You said with a serious face. "You're not leaving me are you?" He said, eyes widened. You shook your head no. "You're not cheating right? That serious look is making me nervous." He laughed awkwardly. "No. I'm not leaving. I'm not cheating. You're stuck with me. And our child too, of course." You smile. "Oh okay that's great, Wait. WaIT OUR CHILD? (Y/N) YOU'RE PREGNANT?" He said very, VERY, loudly in the middle of the restaurant. Everyone was staring, but then started to clap. "Congrats!!" You heard a lot of people say. "Haha, yes Joe, you're going to be a daddy." He teared up. "I can't wait for our family to grow." He smiled as he got up to embrace you.

A while back ago, you and the guys were playing a drunk game of truth or dare. The game ended up with you in James' bed the next morning. You all had little recollection of the night before, but being as you were both naked in the morning you could assume the worst and it was probably true. You weren't too mad about the hook up, you've always had a thing for James.
It was time for your annual doctors appointment, and you did your normal pee in a cup thing and got weighed and asked if any problems you noticed. As the doctor was talking to you, a nurse came in with your urine results and whispered in the doc's ear. She smiled at you then left, and the doctor smiled at the results as well. "Is my pee making everyone happy or something?" You joked. "Have you been experiencing any nausea or hot flashes or anything, (Y/N)?" The doctor asked. "Now that you mention it, yes I have." You say nervously. "Congrats.. *he looks at your marital status*....Ms. (Y/L/N) you're going to be having a baby within the next 9 months! We'll need to schedule an ultra sound, but you may want to have the father involved. We will give you a call tomorrow to get that worked out. I'm going to prescribe some prenatal vitamins so your baby stays healthy, assuming you want to keep it." Your jaw was on the floor. The doctor wouldn't joke about this but you couldn't be.. oh wait. Yep. Nevermind. "G-great. Thanks.." you stutter. You left with your prescription and bolted for the door.
You went to the pharmacy in Walmart and ran into James. "It's as good of a time as any I guess." You thought to yourself. "James!!" You call out. He turns his head and smiles immediately at the sight of you. You're basically glowing. "(y/n) what are you getting meds for? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned. "Oh. Not medicine. Prenatal vitamins. We're having a baby. You and I." You laughed. James laughed and then realized what he was laughing at. His face turned pale white. "We? You and I? But we never.. oh wait. We did ever... oh my god." You thought he was going to pass out. "Hey it's not that bad. We will be great parents." You smile and put a hand on his shoulder. "How are we going to explain this we aren't even dating! ..not that I don't want to.." he exclaimed nervously. "It'll be fine. Yeah I definitely wouldn't mind dating you. Not just because, you know, were having a kid, but like, you're pretty alright." You smile.
You walked out of the store hand in hand, ready to raise this kid right.

You and Sal had been dating for 3 years. You knew he didn't want kids. He was terrible with them and they were super germy. You weren't the best with them either. Babies would look at you and cry. You two decided dogs would be a better option. If you guys got intimate, he always wore a condom and you were on birth control. You thought everything was fine. Apparently not.
You woke up one morning getting violently ill, and your breasts were very very tender. Your period was 6 weeks late, but sometimes you skipped a cycle so you figured you were fine. "There's no way I could be pregnant" you thought to yourself. Web MD had no other explanation for your array of symptoms, so you decided to take a pregnancy test. It came back positive. "Maybe.. just maybe.. it's wrong." You told yourself. So you took another. Nope. Another positive. "Oh my god. Oooooh my god. Sal is going to end up leaving me what am I going to do?!" You started crying in the bathroom. At about that time, Sal came home from recording. He was in a stellar mood, he didn't lose and Murr's punishment was hilarious that day. He heard your sniffles coming from the bathroom. "(Y/N)? Honey are you okay? Unlock the door." He rattled the doorknob. "No, don't come in." You sobbed. By then it was too late, he had the door unlocked and he opened it to find you a mess on the ground beside the toilet, and two positive pregnancy tests on the counter top. He looked at them both. "(Y/N)... are you..." you sobbed as you nodded your head yes. He got on the ground beside you and embraced you. "This is the best news ever. It's a surprise. But I love you so much. I can't wait to begin this next journey in our life, together. This is going to be great. I promise you." He began tearing up. "Are you sure?" You said between sobs, "you've never wanted kids before." "Yes, I know I said that before, but that's also before I fell completely in love with you. Now that I am, I'm so ready to have a life with you, start a family and have mini you and I's running around. I don't know much, but I'll learn, we'll learn. I love you, (Y/N Y/M Y/L)" "I love you, Salvatore Edward Anthony Vulcano" you cried as you hugged him tighter.

Q (Brian)
You and Brian had been trying for months to get pregnant. For months, you've had no luck. You both didn't mind the practice of good baby making if you know what I mean ;) ;), but you both desired to start a family. You had 3 cats, but holding your own flesh and blood that you created would be a whole other feeling. (Sorry that sounds morbid lol) You had been married for 3 years, and they've been so wonderful. You've seen so many cool places and learned so much about the adult life. It was time for the next step.
You began getting your hopes up. You'd missed your last two periods, but didn't tell Brian that. You didn't want his hopes up in case of a let down. You decided it was time to take a test. You waited and wait, anxious of the result, and after about five minutes, the test came back positive. You took two others for the reassurance it wasn't false. And it wasn't. The others came back positive! You ran out of the bathroom, giddy from the news. Brian thought you were hurt the way you were thumping around downstairs, so he came bolting as fast as he could to were you were at. "(Y/N)??!?! Are you okay what happened?!?!" The smiled couldn't be wiped off your face. You started jumping up and down frantically again, "Were having a baby!!!!" You basically screamed. A huge smile broke out of his face as you ran to his arms, wrapped your legs around his face and squeezed him in a hug as tight as you could. He spun you around and kissed you with as much passion as that man could muster. "Are you serious?!" His voice was full of delight. All you could do was nod your head up and down, you were at a loss for words. "I'm so happy!!!" He screeched, like a 12 year old at a one direction concert. "I'm so excited!! I love you so much Brian!!!" You say, happiness beaming from your face. "And I love you, (Y/N)!!!!!" He cheered.

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