Preference- he/you gets jealous

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You and Joe decided to go out to dinner one night to celebrate some recent accomplishments. You two arrived at the restaurant and immediately the waitress was eyeballing Joe. She wasn't very cute but you're still very possessive and don't like when people flirt with your man. You're secure and know he won't leave but still, that's YOUR man. The waitress said, "Hi, my name is Ella and I'll be serving you today. Can I get your name sir?" She tried to sound ditzy. "Uh, my name is (Y/N)'s boyfriend and lover and one and only, but I guess you can call me Joe? You haven't even mentioned my beautiful girlfriend, this is (Y/N)." He knew your defenses were up. The waitress's hope fell. "What do you want to drink?" She didn't even acknowledge you. "Oh baby what do you want?" Joe asked you sweetly. " I'll have a sweet tea." You smiled at him. "And I'll have what the lady is having."he smiled back at you. The waitress sighed as she walked off.   
The rest  of the dinner went alright, the lady made some off color comments about joe and as much as if ticked you off, you didn't say anything. The waitress brought your check at the end of the meal and slipped Joe another paper. "What's this?" Joe asked. "Oh, it's my number for when you get tired of this current bitch. Call me sometime hot stuff." Your face turned red with anger, and you were about to say something until joe crumpled up the paper and stuck it into his half full drink glass. "Alright first of all, I'm absolutely 220% in love with (Y/N) so no, second of all, learn some respect, some boundaries, and you know when to back down. Thanks. Now honey let's go." Joe grabbed the check and escorted you arms linked to the register.

(Hi my bold option is constantly turning on and it's pissing me off I didn't ask for this shit. Excuse my language.)
You and James were out on vacation on a beach. It was sunny and hot, so you decided to wear a black bikini top with cheeky black bottoms. (Body confidence AF. You all are beautiful. Love yourselves. I love you.) James was in gray trunks and no shirt. You thought he was adorable. You two were laid out sunning yourselves when an oiled up muscular man approached you two. James was immediately on guard, he knew you were a prize. The guy was chuckling when he asked you, "hey, my friends bet me $10 that I wouldn't be able to come over here and walk away with your number. Do you wanna help me prove them wrong hot stuff?" He winked at you. You smiled at him and said, "looks like you're out 10 bucks kid. Go run back to your little butt buddies." James' jaw dropped as did the hunkish man's. James knew you hardly had a mean bone in your body and you were sweet to everyone. "Bye bye." You smiled and waved. "Rude bitch." The man mumbled. "If you're gonna talk shit, speak up and say it to my face you greasy pig." You hissed. The mans eyes widened more as he quickly got away.
"You know I love you, right?" You laughed and looked at James, still in awe at your savagery. "He's nothing to be jealous of baby. You're the only man I'd ever want." "The only?" He asked. "I'd choose you over Ryan Reynolds baby." Wow. So sweet.

You and Sal were at the zoo. You were with a group of other tourists being showed around by a guide. There was a a young girl in the group with you guys who thought it was cute to act like dumb. She looked at Sal and immediately was all over him. You, overtaken with jealousy, grabbed his hand and pulled him so you were basically attached at the hip. Sal wasn't one for PDA but she was making him uncomfortable. "Hey cutie my name is Brittany and I think you're really hot." The blonde said as she twirled her hair. "Oh hi Brittany.." he stuttered. He was nervous because she was so bold and he didn't like it. "What's your name baby?" She winked. You chimed in, "uh hi, his name (Y/N)'s boyfriend, and I don't like to introduce him like that but thirsty people like you are the reason I have to sometimes. He's my boyfriend and I love him a lot and he feels the same about me so if you could take a few large steps back that'd be peachy and we won't have any issues." Brittany didn't like that answer. "So hot stuff, I don't know who this bimbo thinks she is but maybe we could go get dinner?" She rubbed his arm. "Please don't touch me, I'm highly not interested in having any part of you now please leave me and my beautiful girlfriend alone." Sal smiled at you and kissed your cheek.

Brian (Q)
You and Brian were visiting your hometown to see some of your family and get some wedding details in order. (You guys got engaged! Yay!) At Your home, your childhood friend/teenage romance/neighbor came over for a visit knowing you were home. His name was Dylan. Dylan was much younger than Brian and that intimidated him. Dylan walked in the door and immediately greeted you with a hug. "Dylan!! It's been so long!" You cheered as you hugged him. "Oh my gosh I know! It's so good to see you! Who's this handsome man with you?" Dylan chirped. "This is my fiancé, Brian." You grinned. "What you didn't tell me you were engaged!" He whined. Brian looked very upset the entire time, but you didn't want to ask in front of everyone. "How are you and Jo?" You asked, mentally worried about Brian. "Oh we are stellar."
It got later, you and Brian said your goodbyes and left. The car ride was silent. "So why'd you shut down like that, Bry?" You asked, concerned. "He's so much younger and better looking than me. I know you two were involved before what's stopping you now?" He had tears forming in his eyes. You knew this had to do with his last relationship when he got cheated on. Fuck Mallory. "Brian. Baby. Love of my life. Future father of my spawn (someday.) there is not a man, woman, or it I want more in this world than you. I love you So purely and whole heartedly there's not a thing except death that could take me from you, and even at that it'd be a fight to take me. Never get insecure, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I whole heartedly promise. Please." Your words touched him, as tears rolled down his cheek. "You mean so much to me, (Y/N). Thank you. That means so much to hear you say. I love you more than anything."

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