Preference- Name in Each Other's Phone

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Him: Chub Fondue
you love getting some of that ;)
You: Ms. fat belly
you're his ms. and the guys always make fun of him for his fat belly so your name stuck

Him: the Ferret
you love his ferret tattoo as much as he hates the comparison, he couldn't ever be mad at you for it.
You: M'Lady
After your first date, the name kinda stuck

Him: Ja'Crispy
after that episode, it stuck as well.
You: Babygirl
he knows your weaknesses, and that'd be one of them

Him: Mustache
you always start of your conversations with "hey what's up.." because he's aware of his name in your phone
You: Beauty
you enjoy the movie Beauty and The Beast so much, he considers you to be his beauty and you're oh so special to him

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