Preference- nightmares

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It was 2:00 AM, and James sudden tossing and turning woke you up. You lightly put a hand on his back to try and wake him. He seemed like he was having a nightmare. "Baby? You okay?" James quickly stirs awake and hugs you tightly. "Oh Thank God. I had the worst dream (Y/N)." He sounded stressed. "Tell me about it baby." You said, grabbing his hand and tracing circles with your thumb. "This-this, thing. It grabbed you. And I was running after you to save you from whatever stole you from me. It was all black, almost like a shadow. I was running through the woods but it was like the trees expanded and there was no end to the running and I couldn't ever catch you. The pain in your eyes looked so real I couldn't bare it." He was so upset. "Baby. I'm here. No ones gonna take me from you. I won't let anyone steal me. I'm all yours." You kissed his forehead. James smiled a sleepy smile and got re-situated into bed. You laid your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You both drifted off to sleep quickly and sound.

You were in bed alone as Joe was on tour. You were having trouble sleeping since he was gone and you were so accustomed to his warm presence beside you nightly. Tonight's nightmare was the worst of any. It was so realistic. You woke up crying and trembling. The sole thought of this made you teary eyed and to see it in a dream made you never want to sleep again until Joe was home. You decided to call him. There was a time difference where he was but you couldn't deal with this.
Ring...ring...ring... it ringed for what seemed like an eternity up until Joe's sleepy voice picked up. "What's wrong baby?" He knows you so well. You sniffled through the phone. "Are you okay Joe?" "Of course I am. I'm tired and worried about you because I know it's 6 AM there and the only reason you'd wake up at this time was for a really bad dream. Tell me about it baby."  You sighed. "It's been terrible since you left. I've had bad dreams almost every night if I was able to sleep at all, but this one was so realistic I had to call to hear your voice as reassurance." You could basically here Joe's frown through the phone and through 3,000+ miles of distance. "What happened?" He asked. "I don't want to relive it. I just want you home." You sighed. "Well baby, we finished with our last spot and we are on our way home now. I'll be back in bed with you soon. There won't be anymore nightmares. It'll just be snuggles and Netflix all day." He assured. "How did I get so lucky? I love you so much." You said sleepily. "I love you too baby. Now try to sleep love, it'll make it quicker to when I'm home." "Okay. Goodnight, Joe." "Goodnight (Y/N)"

You were taking a nap on Sal's couch one day. You two were very good friends, but you always longed for more. Honestly, you were so in love with him. You couldn't ever voice that to Sal though, in case he didn't feel the same. While you were asleep, Sal was sitting in his recliner watching Netflix. He was nice enough to switch it from what you two were watching together so you guys stayed together on the episodes and seasons.
You started having one of those falling dreams. But you were hanging off a cliff, and Sal was holding onto your hand. You slipped though and he couldn't hold you up anymore. You jolted awake. "Falling dream?" Sal laughed. "Oh. Yeah." You said sleepily. "You know you talk in your sleep right ?" You blushed. "Did I say something embarrassing?" You hid your face halfway. "Not really. (In a mocking high pitch voice) save me sal! Sal! Please! I love you! (Quits mocking.) but on a more serious note, I also love you." He smiled sheepishly.

Brian (Q)
It was the wee hours of the morning. Your phone was buzzing, and it was a call from Brian. You were just getting home from a visit with some family so he wasn't waking you or anything, but you figured he was asleep. "(Y/N). Can you come over. Please?" Brian was crying. "I'll be there in 5." You said without haste. You knew it was serious if he was crying.
You arrived at his house and came in without knocking. Brian was curled up on the couch, eyes puffy. He jumped up when he saw you walk through the door and greeted you with a hug. He wouldn't let you go. He tucked your head into the crease of his neck as he stroked your hair. "I had a dream we were in a car accident and I was driving. I caused it. I wasn't paying attention. We hydroplaned into a huge oak tree and I was able to walk off but you. I just stared at you as you screamed in agony. I watched you die. I thought it was real. I can't bare the thought and I'm so glad to see it was a dream." Brian was frantic. You pulled out of his embrace and cupped his face in your hand, rubbing his cheek with your thumb. "Can I stay the night? You don't need to be alone right now." You asked sincerely. "Please." He sniffled. You two headed to his bed, got settled in and laid in his arms all night, singing to him and playing with his hair until he fell asleep.

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