*Personal Story Behind Analysis #1

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"Would you ever kill yourself for your special person?"

I have seen two instances of the "yes" answer-- in angst fiction and in the serious oral response of a person that I have met in real life.

That person, who so confidently answered "yes," was, strangely enough, my English teacher.

That day, we finally finished reading Romeo and Juliet, from which I learned that true love consisted of having such a huge boner that enables one to climb balconies, having intercourse without knowing anything else beyond each other's name, stalking, murdering just a few people, and ultimately choosing suicide in the end while everyone else feels sorry for themselves: you could guess what everyone in the classroom felt after our English teacher asked the question of wisdom. (I apologize to those of you who actually do like Shakespeare's literary work.)

The idea of killing ourselves for our lovers had remained relatively stupid until the teacher, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, spoke out a counterargument:

"Imagine I was dying in the hospital due to disease, and going to die in an hour or two, while my husband was also going to die due to an accident just as soon."

Bringing the picture in my head, she continued.

"Let's say that the only way for him to survive is to get an organ transplant. I'm the only one available to donate to him, and there are no extras of that vital organ out there."

It was easy to decipher where she was going with this, and I was shocked by how much sense it made at the time.

"If my husband could get a transplant from me, and I was going to die anyway.."

Then of course she would still do it for him.

This idea is what made me write my very first analysis in this book.


I found out two years later that my former teacher ended up getting a divorce a year after she talked about the scenario with my English class, which she thankfully never had to go through.

But, if she found the right person, I would personally believe that she would still agree with the "yes" answer for that scenario-- someone's ought to take care of her children and fat cat, and dying to save someone's life sounds like a pretty brave accomplishment.


If Mika and Yuu were in the scenario my English teacher came up with, could you imagine Mika doing the same thing for Yuu as the married woman would for her loved one?

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