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A/N Hey guys! I don't know when I'm posting this but yeah hope you enjoy! Also do you guys like George? Anyway have fun reading this!

Lizzy's Pov

We were boarding the ship and somehow, got the same rooms which was great since we were across from each other. George and I were talking about my life in London in my room since his room was being cleaned.

"So yeah my maid Paula is my best friend! I can't wait for you to see her!!" I rambled on happily, and he was attentively listening....unlike someone else *cough cough Ciel*

"Oh! I forgot, I um have a fiancé back home" I said quieting down as I remembered our last meet up

"Why do you sound so unhappy?" He asked taking ahold of my hand gently. I blushed madly and shook my head.

"It's nothing" I answered quickly. He stared at me until I groaned and spouted out what happened

"And then my parents gave me this opportunity and you know the rest" I said getting in a even lower mood.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed as I lay my head on his shoulder. After a few minutes he piped up " Well when we get back we have at least five days right?" I nodded and he continued "So on the first day I will meet you family and the second day will be walking around London and third will be meeting you fiancé and fourth and fifth we can do anything you want, how about that?" He asked trying to reason with me.

I nodded as we watched the sea lapping calmly as the ship started to sail through my circular window. "And if he gives you a hard time I'll protect you" he added. I smiled at him and after a few minutes of talking and discussing more about London we decided to go out and enjoy ourselves.

Ciel's Pov

It's almost time for Elizabeth to come home. I'm nervous, for some weird reason. I've apparently also been crankier than usual do to my servants who have been getting into their cheerful ways again since Elizabeth is coming home for five days. I'm still bloody annoyed that "George" is accompanying her but oh well, then I'll have time to investigate more on him personally. Sebastian has been faster at his spying and giving me pictures where Sir George is usually holding Elizabeth or looking at her. I have a huge feeling that Sebastian has been taking pictures of them like that on purpose, and if I ask he probably wouldn't even try to deny it!

I wish I could just have some alone time with we can talk, but I know that George will probably follow her EVERYWHERE since he hasn't been in London yet. Which is also bad because then I wouldn't have enough time to spend with her. It's not like I want to spend time with her! It's just.....I  um I got to....spend time with my fiancé! Yes well I would be an even worse fiancé if I didn't regard Elizabeth. (Even though you already did? lol sorry back to the story)

Sebastian's Pov

I took the second to last picture of the target which is of course Lady Elizabeth and Sir George. I have been purposefully taking pictures of Lady Elizabeth and Sir George being together in a romantic fashion just to get my young lord jealous of them. Anyway this picture was perfect, its was the young Lady leaned against Sir George. I smirked as I heard their schedule and got ready to teleport to my young lord. Then as I teleported I heard an interesting sentence "I'll protect you from anything"

Ciel's Pov

I was sipping some Earl Gray Tea while waiting for Sebastian. I wonder what's going to be captured next.

" Here young lord" Sebastian appeared handing me a photo. It was him holding her and Elizabeth leaning on him.

I stared at it emotionless like I always am until Sebastian said "He also said I'll protect you from anything, and made a schedule, the first day will be staying at Lady Elizabeth's, then touring London, you will be visited the third day and the last two days will be spent anywhere."

I snapped "Who is the bloody hell thinks he is!"

"I have to say young master that he has been there the whole time since this fight, so it would be obvious that he would be her emotional support, so saying that he may come here while she visits" Sebastian said smugly as I shook with fury.

I stopped when he finished his sentence "It's my fault then?" I asked angrily as I knew the answer already

"Why yes" Sebastian said, waiting for my response.

"Ugh bring me more tea" I grumbled.

"Oh yes young master, by the Lady Elizabeth with her new love is arriving at her manor" Sebastian said gleefully and he bolted out before I could slap him.

A/N Hey peoples! I'm so sorry I couldn't update sooner, but here it is! Have a great day!!!

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