Do I Wanna Know?

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A/N HEYO I LOVE THIS SONG. Sorry if you don't but it contributes to the chapter in some way, I also listened to it a lot when I wrote this chapter. The song is called Do I Wanna Know? By Arctic Monkeys. Enjoy! Btw sorry for being so late I'll talk about it a little bit more and a little announcement at the end. Also This is my longest chapter ever and I'll give you the word count at the end. Now that that's over PLEASE ENJOY

Lizzy's Pov
After we left the phantomhive manor we burst out laughing. It seemed we were both crazy in the head.

"Oh my god! You were awesome" George said catching his breath and holding my hand while entering the carriage after me.

I blushed and stared at him and started laughing as we left the Manor behind us. It's was time to pick up the costumes we requested from Nina. She wasn't there but her niece who worked with her did.

We greeted her and requested the order and we heard her gasp. We both looked at eachother worriedly, thinking she got into trouble.

"Are you alright?" I called and she emerged from the doorway of a room where the orders were kept. She nodded vigorously and smiled at us.

"I was just really in awe by these! They're beautiful!" Lorali squealed happily. I started feeling giddy by her reaction, and it seemed to rub a smudge on George too because he smiled at us as I clapped my hands in excitement.

"And just by your reaction I'm going to make us wait until we have to put them on!" George declared and stole the boxes that had the costumes and held it high away from me as I stared to try to get it back.

I groaned in protest and started rambling on about it not being fair and Lorali smiled at us as we exited.

After a ride home that included various playful arguments about seeing the costumes. Once we got home though I just gave up knowing that George would win anyway. The rest of the day went over in a flash and the new morning came with a flomp. Yes a flomp because I fell out of my bed with a flomp. I groaned as I slowly got out of my bed and remembered. IT IS THE DAY FOR THE BALL! I sat back on my bed and started to get ready for breakfast time. I put on a simple dress and white heels with my hair down and went downstairs. Everybody greeted me and we started eating and talking about the ball.

"Mother, father? Are you going to attend?" I asked after eating my last piece of food.

Mother answered "We are going to attend for a few minutes then we'll go off. We have a meeting to attend to and will probably come back after the ball is finished." She said after dabbing her mouth politely and crossed her legs.

"Edward will also attend but will only be there for the middle and end because he will need some time to unpack and a break." Father added while standing up and smiling at all of us and grabbed mothers hand and they excused themselves.

Edward was still out and arriving back home today. He'll probably be tired so he will have some time to himself until the middle. Specifically the middle because that's when the balls are most alive, and we'll be announcing that George and I are leaving once again.

I looked over at George and he was sitting talking t one of the maids. She was blushing and he was smirking I silently laughed and got up. George noticed and kissed the maid's hand before leaving. I turned to him and smirked he laughed and I joined in.

"Practicing on my maids are you?" I said he nodded and sighed.

" Melody did say that we need a lot of charisma and experience to easily manipulate and get answers out of them" he said while stretching out his arms and briefly looked at me and we both smirked.

*time skip to the beginning of the party because I'm lazy*

It's time, I'm really excited now because it's going to be a big ball and I get to FINALLY see what my dress looks like. I strode over to my room as mother instructed us to get ready.

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