Lunch, Embarassment, and Other

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Lizzy's Pov

We got settled in our seats and started eating what the chef served. Which was salmon with veggies.

"So George how did you and Lizzy meet?" Father asked happily eating his share of food.

I almost chocked on my good and looked at my father and then turned to George who smiled and replied with the story of how we met.

"And that is how we met"George finished while my family were listening attentively it felt like they were listening on to every word and detail that he gave them! And boy did he give them detail, talking about our expressions and the description of Aunt Melody and the manor that we both stayed in.

"That is wonderful!" My father said after listening and my mother nodded in agreement and Edward replied "Indeed."

"Oooh now tell us about your lessons!" Edward said earnestly waiting for yet another story.

George gave me the look and I shook my head profusely knowing what tale he was going to tell and knew it was going to be utterly embarrassing for me. "No don't you dare George" I said raising my voice an octave.

"Well Lizzy I think I'm going to dare" He said teasingly as my family looked at the both of us waiting for another story.

I groaned and shook my head while he started telling the story I was not looking forward to.

"So it all started when we we're training the first time which was after a day and it was in the morning. Lizzy decided to already change in her fencing outfit since she thought that was what she was used to. So a few people were staring at her weirdly because that's what they weren't used to. Aunt Melody had to explain to her that she was to wear a dress to make it easier to move in and make it more life like so it took her an hour to change because she couldn't find a right dress"

I cringed and buried my face into my hands then George held my shoulder and pulled me in for comfort and continued on "Then Melody had to go over and help her pick on out but she didn't choose either! So they decided on buying dresses which took almost half the day, and that was it" He finished.

My family looked at me and my father laughed "That's fine darling nothing to be ashamed about!"

"Yes there is nothing to worry about that silly mistake, I would have done it myself if I hadn't asked Melody or stayed in my room before looking outside." My mother chided along also

Edward simply nodded "Well enough said! Everybody seems to be done with their plates and it seems like we have a few more hours ahead! What shall we do?"

"Is there anything you want to do with the family George?" I asked because we were going to tour London on our own tomorrow.

"Well I have always wondered what your school looks like Edward" George said directing his head to Edward in curiosity.

*Arrived at Weston College*

"This is Weston College, said to be the finest school in England" Edward proudly stated pointing out specific points and history as George nodded his head and smiled to every fact he was given.

After Edward walked off though and I asked did he listen and actually knew what Edward said, he shook his head in response and I giggled as he smiled.

A/N SPOILER : If you guys don't know Edward went to Weston College and Ciel also went there for an investigation.

After a few more lectures and facts about the school we walked around the premises and as we were people were looking at George in a weird way, then whispers were heard as we walked into the library.

Hey Lizzy did you go here too before you left?" George asked curiously while looking through the books.

"Absolutely not! There are perverts that would look at sweet Lizzy here like she was a piece of meat!" Edward exclaimed pointing to a group of people trying to watch them.

"Oh Edward I think it would be perfectly fine if people stare at me everybody does it once in a while!" I said while looking over George's shoulder to see what he was reading.

Edward freaked out and walked outside muttering about people and their indecency.

George and I both laughed at my brother's manner and how he takes things and starting walking outside together once again.

The whispers started up again.

"Wow they're such a perfect couple"

"She shouldn't be with a handsome man like him"

"Isn't she kind of cheating!?"

"She's such a who-"

"Excuse me everyone, but Lady Lizzy and I are quite affronted by your words and hope you do become quiet. I also myself hope you have the decency to be a humble person instead of being a nosy dog that is searching for scraps of gossip so they can make loyal kind hearted people crumble into your horrid ways. Good day now." George said sharply out loud for everyone to hear.

Most people bowed their heads down and murmured something along the lines of sorry and others just gave us a glare with striding to talk about something else.

I blushed as George looked down to me and smiled warmly and guided me to the carriage, then he waved to the school as we headed off to the Midford Manor.

It was dinner time now, this time we chattered about the day and what London was like in seasons and things like that. Then after we all quietly went to what we wanted to do. Father was reading a book, while mother was in her study, Edward was getting ready for a trip he was having and George and I were playing pool.

I know I know! Not the most Lady like thing, but my mom surprisingly approves so I took my chance. I was solids while he was striped.

"Hey George thanks for sticking up for me" I said softly while hitting one of my balls in.


"No problem, I mean they were rude and had no reason to be rude" George said while watching me try to get another ball in. I missed.

"Well anyway thank you" I said as he got one in.

He smiled and got another one in, then smirked at the fact I was losing. I smiled at him.

"I can't wait for tomorrow."

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