Fencing with the Midford Family

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A/N Thank you guys so much! And for your gift, I give you another chapter! Enjoy!

Edwards's Pov

I like this new guy George! He has way more charm and skills then the phantom hive boy! I honestly wouldn't mind if he was my brother in law! He's even taller than Lizzy which will make her stop worrying about her height so much! And I know that George could protect her without using a butler! Why he was also very intelligent and hardworking. After a few minutes we were at the hall at last!

"Wow it's big" George commented

I flicked him on the head "Well of course it is! It's a hall and for fencing!" I answered. He nodded and smiled at everybody.

"That reminds me! George I have never seen you with a sword! Even in practice! Do you know how to fence?" Lizzy asked while picking a sword.

"I actually do know!" George said lightly while grabbing a sword as well. Soon after everyone had the sword and gear on.

"Okay so first we will bring in some trainers and practicing will begin!" Mother día scrapping her hands as a sign for the teachers and us to start.

I was with Mr.Lenee, who was an exceptional fighter. He was nice and strict when he needed to be. Lizzy got my mother as usual and George got my father. I was pleased with the pairings and started with my lessons.

Lizzy's Pov

I got my mother which was good and bad. It was splendid because I work well with her, but she was always so strict about me and my skills.

George got my dad, which was great since that means we where testing him to see how good he was.

I looked for one last time before focusing on my part. I knew this was going to be hard, since my mom is on of the best, so I definitely should starts paying attention. We then started fencing.

"Watch your footing!"

"Keep your guard up!"

I took all my mother's advice doing as she says blocking, striking, dodging, until she was satisfied. By the time she was though, I was out of breath while she was perfectly fine.

"Good job Lizzy dear" she said while striding off to watch my brother and his instructor.

After catching my breath I observed George and father. George was really good, he had my father beat and him cheering politely.

George looked my way and smirked as I started to blush.

"Well done" Father said to him and walking away after shaking hands with him while chuckling. George then started to walk towards me and sat down next to me "So did I meet the Midford expectations?" He asked while smiling. "Eh you're exceptional" I said teasingly.

He put on a dramatic face and said "Oh no! I'm a disgrace!" And I laughed as he started rambling on.

After another hour went past and we were done training, so we decided to have lunch.

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