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"Now that we have been in the lunch room for more than an hour and yet to have learned anything, let's move this party to my room," Christian inferred.

"K," I said and stood up to go. After quickly throwing our trash away, we headed to Christians room.

"There is actually quite a lot to learn from us but most is just history and how to use your powers. It would take years to learn it all so I'm just gonna teach you the real important stuff," Christian explained, opening the door to her room, "First of all, us, in this organization are all we know of that are left. There used to be a lot more but not anymore. Those green monsters that you saw? Those killed us off. All of us. Actually, let me start earlier. It all started with the gods. There were 2 gods. Devil and Angel. This was before they were bad. Devil was an actual name, not something bad. Well Angel and Devil decided to make a living race beside the humans, they made the 'Super Natural' or us. Our whole concept was to protect the earth, Devil and Angels most prized possession, of the monsters that roam the land. Well all was good and great until a witch cursed Devil. Devil turned red instead of the golden color he was and his heart melted. I mean literally melted. He joined sides with the monsters and figured out how to make acid monsters that could survive the Super Natural and let them free on the earth. Every single Super Natural died. It was a terrible age, the monsters would be free and kill whoever crossed there path. Then Angel made his own decendents, Kaily and Marco. A girl and a boy. They were able to control energy, like you. They could kill off any of the monsters and the world was a happy place again. Of course she made more Super Naturals but not any more energy. After so many years, the stories turned to legends. Now, no one even knows about it any more. But it is said, when Devil arises again, it will be more and worse than ever. Only the true sisters can fight it. But that was you and Amaya. But since Amaya died, it won't work. Unless, she didn't die."

I noticed my jaw had dropped somewhere in that. I quickly shut it. That happens a lot. Amaya could still be alive? Does that mean that what I saw on the battle field was true? Should I tell Christian? And Eathon?

"I think Amaya is still alive. I saw her on the battle field that one day but I just thought I was dreaming. Maybe not. That means there is still hope! We can be happy and safe and we can get rid of the monsters once and for all!" I was practically shaking with joy. I didn't even realize I stood up.

"Slow down, we are still not sure and you don't have all your powers figured out. We can wait a little, right?" Christian asked.

"Yeah," I said and walked off to I really don't know where.

That night, when I fell asleep, I knew for sure Amaya was still alive somewhere. Christian's words kept dancing in my head. Could still be alive. Could still be alive. I wasn't giving up.

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