Chapter 12

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The sun in my eyes was anything but bliss. The room was so bright and hot. And it smelled like smoke. Smoke?! I bolted up and saw that part of my room was on fire. I grabbed a backpack and filled it with a little clothes and an energy jacket before turning to face the fire that was blocking my door. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it going that way. I turned to my window and pushed it open.

The jump wasn't that far but 3 stories high will still be painful. It might be the only way to survive the fire. I closed my eyes and jumped. I prepared myself for a hard landing and when it came I could here the bone snap. I whimpered and limped on one leg to get away.

An arm swung on my shoulder and lifted me up to walk.

"Quite a jump you took there," a very recognizable voice said.

"Amaya??!" I schreeched turning to face her. It was her! ignoring my throbbing foot, I turned and hugged her. I immediately winced.

"I know you're excited to see me but you must not tell anyone about me being here. And careful, go to the nurse wing over there and don't use your foot much. I don't have much time. Watch out for them. It is true, the prophecy and you will be hunted down by the people who know about you. Don't trust anyone," Amaya said.

"Wait what? Who's them? Amaya don't leave!" I said as she turned to go.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. To the world, I'm dead. And for both of our safeties I'm dead. Not a word. I will explain things later," she answered, her voice disappearing as she got farther away.

My thoughts registered what just happened. I can't quit now, I have to stay in for her. Follow up, Amaya's alive! I took a step but collapsed because of the pain. I reached in my backpack for a phone but being the klutz I am, I left it in the burning room.

My thoughts became distant and somehow, I fell asleep on the grass.

"Skylar? Is that you? Oh thank god I thought you died in the fire. I saw your room and-" Christian's voice cracked and she started breathing very heavy.

"It's ok, I'm right here. I just took a spill jumping out the window. I can't walk. I would have contacted but I left my phone in the room. How long have you been looking for me?" I said really fast. I'm surprised she heard me.

"A couple hours. I've got to call Eathon, he's been freaked," Christian mumbled, pulling out her phone, "But first, I need the paramedics. Your foot does not look normal."

I looked down at my foot, dizziness coming from the sudden move. Before I went black, I saw a twisted up purple swollen foot.

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