Chapter 14

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Sorry for not writing as often and off the cover change. I am completely in love with the picture and it fit with the story base so I had to! :)


I leaned back and forth on my heels, waiting for our turn in the airport back checker. Christian tapped my shoulder.

"Um, do they go through everyone's bag?" she whispered a little frantic.

"It's a bag check, yes they do. Why?" I simply responded. I liked knowing more than vica versa.

Her eyes looked a bit nervous,"I have weapons in my bags I need self defense!"

"You need self defense? Have you forgotten these are humans and we have powers," I said, unzipping her jacket with my powers to prove a point.

She huffed but agreed. It was my turn. I placed my bag on the conveyer belt and walked through the metal detector and bowed at Christian before grabbing my bag and waiting.

Eathon went first. He carefully placed his bag down and walked through. He let out a breath when nothing went off. He stood next to me and said,"It wasn't too hard," to Christian then turned and smiled to me,"I wonder how bad these human planes are."

Christian turned upside down her bag, letting loose lots of weapons before giving it to a wide eyed worker. She placed the bag on the belt and strutted through. Grabbing her bag she whispered, "They took my self defense."

"Let's go board the plane," I said, grabbing their arms and walking off to flight number 42.

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