Chapter 15

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We gave the lady our tickets and settled into out seats. We didn't know how much money we will need so we settled with business class. I had the middle seat in between Christian and Eathon. The best part about this ride was it was night. You can see the ground with all the lights lit up. It was beautiful but I was tired. I leaned back and fell asleep.

When I awoke, my head was on Eathons shoulder and his head was on mine. His arm was also slung around me like a cape. I smiled and went back to sleep.

I awoke in the same position but with the landscape different and us nose diving down into the runway. I tensed and sat up as the plane hit the ground and sped through the runway, slowly slowing down. I awoke Eathon and turned to awake Christian but she was already up. She was glaring at the floor. She stopped as soon as she noticed I was up. Eathon was still begging for more sleep as we left. It was 5:00 am. I promised the hotel was close.

We passed through the money thing. We were in London from America. Our$ to £. We exchanged what we could and walked through the airport to the hotel only a couple blocks away. The rooms were 200£. (If I do this wrong i'm sorry to anyone who lives in the UK. I live in the US and I'm not sure how it works:P)

Our room had a small living area and 2 bedrooms. It had a large bathroom with mirrors on any wall. There were 2 beds in one room and one in the other. Christian and I took the 2 beds. I didn't bother to change or do anything. I just crashed into my bed.

In the morning we decided to eat breakfast here then disguise ourselves just in case there is recognition. Apparently Amaya was popular. I suffered through the horrible hotel coffee and waited for then to eat. I'm not a big breakfast morning. I was also was suffering from jet lag.

"Can we sleep more later? Jet lag is getting to me," I said. For proof, a yawn came.

"Yes. I am in misery here. Unlike you 2. I didn't sleep on the plane," Christian agreed. Eathon nodded. He was in mid yawn.

We trudged out and found a hair salon and went. I nearly cried about it but I had to cut my wonderful hair to my shoulders, straiten it, and turn it red. Christian added blue strips and gave in to a pixie cut. Eathon reluctantly turned his black. We were almost to tears walking out of there. I think I heard one of them say something about there poor baby's. Then we went to the contact store. We should have left when we saw her defreeze the water in her cup but Christian insisted. The first question,"Why do you want to change your identity?"

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