Three- Who Has Time to Wait for Nail Polish to Dry?

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I put the shirt on.

What else was I supposed to do?

I tie the corner in a knot at my hip so that it won't hang on me and I can still flash a thin strip of abs where the hem meets my shorts.

I open the door and find Damon leaning against the opposite wall as me. He is looking down at his phone with a clear concentrated frown etched on his face. I lean my shoulder against his door frame and place my hand on my hip.

"Well, what do you think?" I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head to my good side.

Damon quickly looks up at me and awards me with a dazzling smile, "somehow you make it look good."

"Better than how it looks on you?" I press and lean forward slightly.

"Much better," Damon chuckles and leans in as well.

I am so close. I can feel his breath on my face. It smells like spearmint and all I want is a taste.

Damon's brown eyes stare deep into my blue ones.

I begin to go up on my toes to reach his lips better when I feel his large hand on my shoulder, "Lenora."

His voice isn't scolding but it sounds almost pleading. I can't get a read on his expression but there's a mix of hesitation and desire.

"Damon," I whisper and flutter my eyes. I can tell that I will have him hooked if I could just get a little more—

His lips crash down onto mine with such a force that I fall back on my heels. Damon wraps his arms around my back to keep me from falling any further away from him. His large arms circle me and I can feel his thick forearms pressing into my sides.

I reach my hands up and burry my fingers into Damon's soft dark brown hair. When I feel his tongue trace my lips I don't hesitate to part my mouth.

I put up a fight against Damon's dominance but I let him win in the end because that's what all guys want. I take a tentative step backwards against his arms and towards his bedroom but Damon's grip on me doesn't falter.

"Lenora," his voice is breathy when he finally pulls his lips from mine. "We should get back to the pack before someone realizes that we are both missing from breakfast."

"Alright," I force a smile even though I feel disappointed at his light rejection. I have never been turned down before.

Maybe he's playing hard to get or maybe my kissing skills have decreased? Definitely has to be the first one.

Instead, I tell Damon that I have already eaten when we walk back into the kitchen. I want to train for a few hours and figure out my next move. Trying to win the alpha is harder than I thought and this might take something a little more than simple flirting.

I change into black leggings and a neon green sports bra that comes down to my ribs a little bit. I throw my blonde hair into a high pony tail with a gray scrunched and push an Adidas headband over my head to hold down the baby hairs that always refuse to stay put. I slip on some sneakers and make my way to the gym that was built in a separate building close to the pack house.

I enter the weight room and pick up a few light weights to do some arm exercises. I like to keep my body toned and I take pride in how I look. There's no shame in working hard and having confidence.

I move on to the squatting racks and I place some weights on the bar. I scan the gym and see a few young guys lifting massive weights—to show off no doubt—right across from me. All of them have their eyes glued to me as I place a little more weight onto the bar and raise my eyebrows as if to say watch this.

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