Fourteen- If You Know Where to Look

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"Wake up sleepy head! Whoops!" I hear my door slam shut and I shoot up in my bed. Disoriented, I whip my head around to see Damon lying next to me.

"Hey, I brought some food back after I ate but you were already asleep." Damon points to the bowl of Mac and cheese sitting on my nightstand and I thank him.

"I think Mai just burst through my door," I laugh quietly and pull the warm covers off my legs. I pull my door back and sure enough a girl with raven black hair is looking back at me through small dark eyes.

"Good morning?" It sounds more like a question and I roll my eyes.

"You're not the first person to barge in when I have someone in my bed. Besides, we weren't doing anything, just sleeping," I pull the door back more and Mai walks into my room with a relieved look on her face.

Damon is up and has his jeans from yesterday back on. He pulls his shirt over his head and nods at Mai. She blushes and looks away to give us some privacy.

"I'm gonna shower. I don't know what you two have got planned but please, nothing too crazy," Damon kisses my cheek and exists my room. I turn to Mai and place a hand on my hip.

"So why are you knocking down my door and chasing my boyfriend out of my room?"

Mai raises her eyebrows and grins, "boyfriend?" I roll my eyes and reach out to shove her but she dodges me, "okay, alright, I was gonna pull you out of bed to go shopping."

"Shopping?" I crease my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes, stupid. We need dresses for the party," Mai grabs my wrist and drags me over to my closet. "So, hurry up and get dressed before all the good ones go."

I groan internally, I forgot about the party.

I turn around, about to tell Mai no, but then I see how excited she looks and I stop myself. I bite my lip and contemplate crushing her feelings but I end up nodding my head. Mai squeals with joy and throws her arms around me. I push her off and grab some clothes and my towel so I can get ready.

After I shower, I throw on a pair of high waisted denim shorts and an off the shoulder blue blouse. I towel dry my hair and leave it in damp waves. I apply a light dusting of powder and a coat of mascara. I rub some chapstick on my lips before I turn to face Mai.

"I'm all set, let's go." Mai and I walk side by side out of the pack house and into the car garage. A lot of people stop to stare but I am used to ignoring it.

Mai on the other hand, glances around nervously, "why—"

"Because you're with me, honey," I interrupt. "They are all wondering what I threatened you with to get you to hang out with me."

Mai giggles and climbs into the passenger seat of my car. I turn the key in the ignition and speed away from the suffocating stares. It takes us an hour to get into the city—and I was speeding the whole time—but will fill the time by singing to the radio and learning more about each other: Mai has a younger sister named Airi and a cat named Lilly. Her father is a minister and her mother is on the Alpha's council. She hates pineapple but loves chocolate.

I pull into the parking lot of my favorite dress shop, Green Leaf. And park my car under the shade of the building.

"Lets divide and conquer," Mai tells me as she holds the door for me. I thank her as I pass and she continues her lecture, "I want a floor length dress, nothing too fancy, and it has to be within budget."

"Anything else?" I ask before we split up on opposite sides of the store.

"Purple, I want a dark purple dress."

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