Sixteen- Telling a Lie

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Damon doesn't waist a second. He takes my hand in his and we walk briskly out of the Alpha's office. As we weave past the bookshelves something within me stirs.

I stop walking and tug on Damon's hand. He takes a half step before turning around to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He reads the expression on my face and he steps nearer with concern written all over his handsome face.

"What if I can't do this? What if they don't want me or I'm not good enough for them? What if I fail? I wasn't raised to be Luna, I was raised to be Gamma. You, you were raised to be Alpha. I will hold you back, I will be a crutch to you and this pack—" I shake my head and begin to rant. I can't keep my thoughts straight as they all shove each other around trying to get out first.

"No, Lenora," Damon rubs the pad of his thumb across my cheek. The creases in my forehead smooth and I look up into Damon's eyes to see him staring down at me with conviction. "You can do this. It doesn't matter how we were raised but how we chose to live our lives. I don't care what the pack says, I don't care what my parents say, I love you and only you. I don't want anyone else by my side when I take my title. You are perfect for me."

"Not perfect enough to be your mate," I mutter and quickly advert my eyes. That nagging doubt isn't something that I can ignore.

"Lenora, you have been 18 years old for almost 10 months. I am 20 years old and I am about to turn 21 in December. Neither of us have found our mates," he pauses and brings his index finger under my chin to lift my face. "But who cares? Who says we have to wait for the moon goddess or mates when we have each other? What we have is not a mate bond, it's different. It is powerful in ways that you and I can't understand. I don't need the moon goddess to tell me you are the one. I know you are the one because I can feel it."

Damon wipes my cheek and I realize that I have started crying again.

Damn it my makeup is taking a beating.

"I'm crying so much tonight my makeup is definitely ruined," I let out a soft breathy laugh and wipe my eyes.

"You still look beautiful to me," Damon holds my gaze and through my blurry eyes I see him smile down at me.

My own lips pull up into a smile and I squeeze Damon's hand, "let's get back to that party."

Damon hooks his arm around my elbow and we return to the party. All eyes are quickly glued on to us as we enter the room arm in arm.

People no doubt notice my smudged make up and slightly ruffled dress but I hold my head high. I no longer care what they will think or what they will say. I will step over their words in my six inch heels and not bat a mascara coated eyelash.

Damon and I walk to the front of the room and the music softly dies out so that the crowd stops dancing. Everyone listens carefully for the announcement, I swear you could have dropped a bobby pin and it would be the loudest thing in this room. Even Damon and I hold our breath.

"I have an announcement to make but I already have all of your attention so I'll just get to it." Damon address the crowd and I squeeze his hand. He squeezes back to reassure me before continuing, "Lenora Anderson has agreed to be my mate. I will claim the Alpha title, that is mine by birth, and she will claim the Luna title, that is her's by marriage. Together, we will lead the Maple Pack. We expect to keep our close relationships with our friendly neighbors, the Riveredge Pack, and we will stay resilient in our war against rouges. Now, my mate and I would like to get back to the party."

I am shocked that Damon referred to me as his mate.

Does he want people to think we are mates? My parents know we aren't and I'm sure his parents know but other than that....Maika!

I plaster a convincing grin on my face as the room breaks out in loud applause and cheers. I search the crowd for Maika but I don't see her anywhere.

Damon holds my hand as we are enveloped in a swarm of people.

"You've been keeping this a secret for months!" A voice shouts but they don't sound accusatory just fascinated.

"Yes, we were waiting until the right moment to announce it and this ball seemed like the perfect time," Damon responds so casually I almost believe his lie.

"It must have been hard to keep it a secret," another voice exclaims but I'm too busy searching the crowd still. Damon nudges me so I know the question was directed towards me, I snap my gaze back to the faces around me and I clear my throat.

"Yes, it was difficult but we both agreed that with the rouge attack and all, we should really wait a bit." I say what I think Damon would want me to say and his smile give me assurance that I was right. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and go back to scanning the crowd.

Did she leave?

Damon answers a few more questions from the pack before the night is over. The Alpha family, Beta family and Gamma family all line up at the main door to shake hands as the Riveredge Pack leaves. I go to stand by my mother and father but Damon pulls me to stand next to him. I feel out of place standing alongside the Alpha, Luna and Damon's brother with his mate.

I don't belong here, I worry even though Damon holds me to his side.

I shake so many hands my fingers feel numb until I reach to shake the hand of a familiar face.

"You again," I look up at the boy who wouldn't tell me his name. He pushes his sandy blonde hair out of his blue eyes and grins at me.

"Lenora," he greets me.

I roll my eyes and take his hand, "You should really tell me your name. We might not meet again," I try to convince him to slip up but he keeps his lips sealed shut.

"Nice try, Lenora, but we've seen each other twice already. Odds are that we'll meet again."

I notice that the line is starting to back up so I rush to ask him the question that has been burning on my mind, "have you seen Maika? I last saw her with you."

His blue eyes turn a shade darker at the mention of my best friend, "she was with me until the announcement you and your mate made. Congratulations by the way, I didn't know you were mated."

I'm not, I keep the thought to myself and bite my tongue.

"Sorry, it's nothing personal but I don't even know your name so you weren't high on my list of people to tell," I snap but then soften my tone. "Thanks for telling me about Mai, I've really got to find her."

"Did I make top 20 at least?" He jokes and one corner of his mouth raises in a dimpled smile but I shake my head and grin.

"I won't tell you, not until we meet again, when I learn your name," I bargain and the boy smirks in satisfaction.

"Then, until we meet again, Lenora." He leans forward in a quick bow before turning on his heel and confidently striding away.

Asshole, but I can't help the feeling of slight attraction that crosses my mind. I quickly banish the thought and turn back to a confused Damon.

"You know him?" He asks and something I can't quiet place flashes across his eyes.

I think it's confusion and jealousy but I could have sworn there was some fear in his eyes.

"Not really," I answer truthfully and turn back to shaking hands.

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