Chapter 7

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Drake’s head snapped up, the door to the dungeons had just opened, but Vera had already brought him food, and she’d given up on speaking to him.

Instead of Vera, a small, delicate girl crept down the stairs. She had curling blonde hair, and shimmering deep amber eyes. She looked far too young to be in the dungeons at all, but when she opened her mouth, she sounded years older.

“Are you Drake?” She asked softly.

“You know who I am?” He asked in surprise.

“Of course.” She replied innocently.

“What are you doing here?”

“Why do you want to die?” She gazed at him and he felt her eyes look through his soul. “Life is very precious, it’s rare, and yet you behave as if you are already lost to this world.”

“I am”

“That isn’t certain. You haven’t been executed yet, and the Elders are efficient. If they really wanted you dead, you would already be so.”

“I’m not fighting them-“

“You should!” She cut him off firmly.

“Do you know anything about us, my people? The ones you call the forsaken?”

The girl was quiet for a time before she began to speak.

“I know you were once within these walls, I know your people once had the title ‘House’ bestowed upon them, but they were banished because the prince of the House didn’t want to share the Kingship with the other Houses. Your people were exiled because your leader was corrupt. You took the birds with you.”

Drake leaned against the stone wall of his cell and sighed.

“You know a lot for a little girl.” He remarked.

“I listen”

“You listen to someone who remembers history well. That was before my time, but the story rings true. It is wise to remember history, sometimes old demons aren’t the vanquished corpses they appear, they merely lay waiting.”

“Like Valdor?” She asked. Drakes head snapped up and he moved to the bars of his cell.

“Don’t speak that name. It’s not wise.” He snapped at her.

“Are you afraid of him?” She asked.

“No, but you should be.”

“You’re lying. You don’t fear death, but you fear him. That’s why you’re so eager to be executed.”

“You don’t know who you speak of child, he is darkness itself. His smiled makes plants wither, and god help you if you see it. He devours all; none can or will stand in his path. He’d inflict the horrors of the world on you just for entertainment. No-one looks at his face for it is the face of a monster, and terrifies all who gaze upon it.” Drake paced the cell as he spoke but the girl stood and listened quietly, her face impassive.

“Your sacrifice isn’t worthy. It’s cowardly.” She told him.

“Even the bravest cower before him.” He retorted.

“You need not be the bravest to be brave.” She said softly.

Vera heard voices. They came from the dungeon. The Elders had all but forgotten about him for now, and no-one but her visited him.

The door down into the dungeon was open, and as she stepped through it and descended the stairs the voices became clearer. She recognised immediately the voice of Drake, low and melodious. The other voice was younger, and familiar.

Just as Vera realised who the voice belonged to she rounded the final twist in the stairs and sprang forward.

“Sofi, get away from him!” Vera rushed forward and grabbed her sister as gently as she could, dragging her away from Drake’s cell.

“Vera!” Sofi protested in a soft voice.

“Get away from him! Don’t come back down here again! He’s a murderer and he will be executed!” Vera nearly shouted as she pulled her sister towards the stairs.

“You said-“ Sofi sobbed quietly.

“It doesn’t matter what I said! Stay away from him!”

They began to climb the stairs, and while Drake could still hear their voices, the echoes of the stone distorted them, making it impossible to listen further.

He wondered what Vera had said to the girl that made her come down here to talk to him.

His thoughts turned to the words of the little girl, Sofi, he recalled Vera calling her.

He stubbornly told himself she knew nothing of Valdor, or the position he was in, and therefore her advice was flawed.

But when he thought of waiting here, for an execution that would merely put him out of his misery, he realised his selfishness.

Valdor would have no need for his family if he was dead. But they wouldn’t be exiled, no, Drake was sure of that now. Valdor would simply kill them with a flick of his hand.

Bluntly the truth of it all hit him, and he knew with perfect clarity that the girl was right.

He couldn’t die. He had to fight.

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