Chapter 22

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Vera had to tell the other princesses. Of course, it would mean telling them about Drake, and telling Lana about the secret addition to the deal, but Raven agreed, it was time she met the others.

Vera called for a meeting at Margret’s. Marge wouldn’t be nosy and no-one else would walk in unexpected. Under the cover of night Vera and Raven slipped in through the back door and made their way to the parlour. Lana was already there.

“Vera what’s going on?” She promptly cut off when she saw Raven follow Vera through the door. She gasped in shock as Raven removed her cloak and hung it up. Her long, thin limbs, pale skin, small frame and unnerving blue eyes marked her out as foreign, different… forsaken.

“Who is that? How did she get in?” Lana’s voice rose to a screech and Vera grabbed her friend by the shoulders to shake sense into her.

“Lana! Shut up. She’s here because I let her in. I’ve been looking after her because she’s one of us. She escaped from Valdor, and the best part is he doesn’t even realise there’s a sixth princess.” Vera whispered urgently. She needed Lana on her side, and that meant explaining things fast to give her time to process later. Of course, Lana didn’t need to know the intricate details of Raven’s background, or about how exactly she’d escaped Valdor. Lana heaved a few shaky breaths, trying to understand what Vera was saying. Then she caught sight of the pendant hanging around Raven’s neck.

“Did you give her your pendant?” Lana asked shakily.

“No, she had it with her the whole time. It disguised itself as a silver locket until she figured out how to turn it back into its true form. She discovered how to do it when she learned that she was the Princess of Avian.” Vera replied. Lana nodded and sank into a nearby sofa. At least she wasn’t screaming.

“I’m Raven,” Raven offered, stepping forward tentatively. Lana glanced up at her and held out her hand,

“I’m Princess Lana of the House of Equine.” She replied. Raven shook her hand.

“You should introduce yourself with your full title when the others get here, it will make them surer of you.” Lana suggested.

“So you believe me?” Raven asked.

“I think I’ll believe anything that will give us an advantage against Valdor.” Lana sighed. Raven and Vera sat down to wait for the others to arrive.

“Did Drake know she was the Princess?” Lana spoke after a lapse of silence.

“Uh… no, he brought her to me for protection from Valdor and when I saw her I figured out what she was.” Vera stumbled over her half-truth.

“Why did she need special protection from Valdor?” Lana pressed.

“She’s the only other forsaken that can shift that he knows of. I’m not even sure if Valdor knows about Raven’s abilities.” Vera provided. That was true, if not the reason why Drake wanted her safe. Lana nodded. She’d accept that.

The doors opened and Maya, Irene and Erika floated into the room. Almost instantly, their eyes went to Raven. Vera could see them registering her strange appearance and she jumped to the doors, bolting them shut before anyone called for help.

“What’s going on?” They demanded. Lana soothed them and guided them to seats. Raven shifted uncomfortably and Vera stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed.

“Last month, remember the forsaken prisoner that escaped? His name was Drake. He’s been supplying us with information since he got out. That’s how I knew about the attack the other day. He’s also trying to stay one step ahead of Valdor. It so happens that besides him, there is only one other member of the Avian who can still shift. She’s sitting right in front of you, and yesterday I discovered that she is the Avian Princess.” Vera began. Three startled girls choked on their shock as Raven stood.

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