Chapter 17

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Drake had told his sister part of his plan, enough to get her to follow him, but not the whole thing, so she spent a week controlling nerves. She was smart enough to know something was going on that she didn’t like but not as insightful as Sofi to be able to guess what it was. Drake counted himself lucky for that.

The date Vera had promised loomed in front of him, and he realised he would have to go tonight. He hoped Vera had fixed whatever she was planning, because everything was down to her.

“Come on, we’ve got to head out,” Drake urged her on. He didn’t want to be anywhere near Valdor after sundown. She grabbed her satchel and pulled it across her back.

“Why are you rushing?” She complained. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was just complaining, but the undertone was clear – What aren’t you telling me? He grimaced.

“Just move it, ok? I don’t feel like talking to him tonight.” Drake answered sharply, referring to Valdor. That was enough to make his sister hurry forward so she was level with him.


Vera couldn’t afford to have anyone near her tonight, not even Lana. Lana was loyal to Vera, and trusted her, but even she had limits. And Vera was pretty sure tonight she was breaking those limits. She’d managed to prepare an evening that would be totally inconspicuous, and had snuck off to the inner curtain in anticipation of collecting Drake’s sister.

The thought had her curious. What was Drake’s sister like? Was she like him?

She was obviously somewhat more innocent than him if he was this desperate to get her away from Valdor. Maybe she was like Sofi.

Despite Drake’s assurances she could take care of herself, Vera had already prepared an abandoned shack in the woods on the edge of the inner curtain for Drake’s sister. No-one had ever used it except her, and it was civilized enough that it was liveable.

She glanced around at the crunch of footsteps, but saw nothing. It was a full moon and there was enough light it seemed like a silver-washed day. The shadows were still and everything had fallen silent, but Vera knew she’d heard someone. If it was a guard, there would have been more footsteps, which meant that she’d heard Drake approaching the curtain, hopefully.

There was a soft flutter of feathers and Vera looked up to see two birds create a black silhouette against the night sky. They gracefully swooped down and shifted before Vera. One bird she recognized immediately as Drake’s owl form, the other was a small black Raven.

Sure enough the owl grew into Drake, but the raven’s transformation was slower, like it hadn’t had much practice at shifting.

The raven’s wings furled up into its back and the feathers melted away into perfect pale skin. The girl than stood before Vera was short and slight, her frame even more delicate than Drake’s. She had long black hair that fell down her back, small red lips, muscled legs, and piercing dark blue eyes that were framed with long black lashes. She wore a faded and worn tunic that could have been green at one point, and tattered leggings that were barely existent. The only decent article of clothing she wore were her knee-high lace-up hunting boots, even then Vera could tell the soles were badly worn.

The girl’s face showed mild anger at being deceived and Vera wondered what Drake had told his sister.

“This is Raven, my sister.” Drake said, gesturing to the girl beside him.

“What are you doing?” The girl, Raven, whipped her head to glare at Drake. “What is this place? Who is she?” Raven pointed at Vera.

“You didn’t tell her?” Vera asked, slightly incredulous. Drake shook his head slightly but Raven still noticed. She opened her mouth, but, afraid of what might come out, Vera’s incredible cat-reflexes kicked in and she clamped her hand over Raven’s mouth. She was a blur and Drake turned, half about to attack her until he realised what she was doing.

“It’s best you keep quiet,” Vera whispered. Drake tensed and glanced around. “Don’t worry, I took care of it, but I still don’t want to attract any attention.” Vera continued.

Raven stiffened and stood stock-still, and Vera had a feeling she’d figured out what Drake was planning to do.

“No!” She hissed, keeping her voice low. “You aren’t leaving me here! I don’t even know what this place is! How could you?” She glared at Drake and his gaze shifted to Vera, ashamed. She nodded.

“I’m sorry Raven. I had to do this. Trust her,” Drake whispered. He came to Raven and kissed her lightly on her head, before turning towards the inner ward.

Vera clamped her arm around Raven’s waist and cupped her other hand over her mouth to stop her voice if she screamed. Drake looked back and his eyes met Vera’s. He didn’t need words. Take care of her. Vera nodded. I will.

Raven began to struggle against Vera’s hold, but Vera had spent years training with Bane after he decided to become a guard, and her build gave her another advantage.

Drake shifted and flew over the ward, out of sight, leaving Raven behind.

Vera loosened her grip after she felt Raven stop struggling and begin to sob.

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