Chapter 20

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The attack Valdor had planned failed. Irene had managed to get a defence in place before all hell broke loose and the wards were bombed. They hadn’t been damaged, and there were minimal casualties. Overall it was remarkable they’d thwarted Valdor. But this was a small victory. Valdor had counted on the element of surprise, and he was no doubt furious and planning an even bigger strike in retribution.

Maya had become insanely possessive of the book. She refused to tell the Elders about it, knowing they’d take into safe keeping - read; keep it locked up where Maya couldn’t read it.

So far it was much more enlightening than the small mention she’d found in her other research, but the age of the book made it hard to read, and she was progressing slowly.

The pendants were cast from gold minded from the same stone which was used to build the wards. There was some special quality about the rock that allowed it to hold magic to a remarkable degree. Maya hadn’t found out any more about that, but there was a vague reference to the source of such rock being destroyed in a landslide.

As for the pendants themselves, they were safely tucked away, whatever magic that was in them safely beyond Valdor’s reach.

Vera was walking out of her home when she saw Bane approach. She hadn’t seen him in a while and she was glad to see he was unharmed after last night.

“Vera!” He called out as he came closer.

“I’m glad you seem alright,” Vera told him as he joined her on the front steps. A smile touched her face. He looked uncomfortable.

“Vera, I need to talk to you about something.” Bane began. Vera tensed; his tone suggested a conversation she didn’t want to have. Bane reached out and held her shoulder. She had to keep from flinching at the touch.

“You’ll be head of your House soon, you’ll have a lot of responsibility to make sound choices, and if your judgment is questionable, that could be bad for…” Bane paused and Vera felt betrayal burning in her.

“Do you not trust me?” She asked.

“I trust you, but you need to see that whatever you’re doing isn’t right! If you have to sneak out at night, Vera,” He halted.

“You saw me at night?” Vera asked in a low voice that demanded an equally challenging answer.

“I know you were out-“

“You don’t trust my judgement. You think I’m not sound? I know exactly what I’m doing. I am on a very fine line, but I haven’t stepped over it!” She interrupted.

“You haven’t, but it’s dangerous and that’s not to say that you won’t trip one day!”

“That day will not come. Don’t bother to insinuate or threaten. Just say what you came here to say!”

A flicker of hurt flashed in Bane’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a steely seriousness. “You’re making the wrong choice. I don’t know what you are doing but if you get caught, I can’t protect-“

“I don’t need your protection Bane. You don’t seem to be very protective of me at present anyway.” Vera’s words were cold and emotionless. “If you really think what I’m doing is wrong then report me to the Elders. I have places to be.”

Her words echoed Sofi’s and Bane couldn’t help think that Sofi had been right. Hurt made him take one last jab at her retreating back.

“Places that involve a traitor?” He snapped. She didn’t reply.


Vera decided it was time to pay a visit to Raven. She was worried about her after the attack. She ducked out of the buildings and fields and ran through the woods until she came to the shack. She knocked on the door, which nearly fell off its hinges from such little force, and walked in.

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