Chapter 27

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The breath of change had turned into a hurricane. The Elders had taken notice of the heirs as future governors for the first time. In the midst of battle plans, arrangements were also made for the coronation. It would happen two days before the planned attack.

“We still don’t know if Valdor even has enough mortality left to die. What if we can’t kill him?” Vera worried. She was walking with Drake. They were beside the brook, morning breezes gently blowing. The air was sweet and everything was lush. Crickets chirped from the shadows of flowering shrubs.

“He still has a mortal body. As long as he has a physical form, no matter how strong, if you can destroy that form you will destroy him. Now relax. You can think of that later, don’t let him taint your thoughts now.” Drake commanded. Vera nodded and breathed in a deep gulp of air.

“It’s beautiful here.”

“I know,” Vera agreed. Drake snatched her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. She looked up at him and smiled. Suddenly she took off at a gallop, dragging him behind her.

“Hey! Where are we going?” He protested, scrambling to keep up.

“Somewhere you’ll like.” Vera said mysteriously. She slipped between thickets of trees and pulled aside a curtain of vines. Before them was a shady lagoon filled with waterlilies. Moss and wildflowers grew around the edges and the air was cool and refreshing. The noises of nature faded away and they were left standing in complete peace. As Drake took in the scene his eyes fell on small carvings. In the trees and rocks were carvings of birds. Not just that, but small life-like sculptures hid in boughs and grassy hollows. Near the water’s edge was an elaborately decorated bird house. The chestnut wood was filled with engravings of the history of the House of Avian and the little house even had some birdseed within it.

“What is this place? I thought all the birds disappeared.” He marvelled.

“They did, but this stayed. I think it was a sacred place to your House. No-one’s found in in over a hundred years.” Vera explained.

“You found it,” Drake whispered. Vera felt chills dance along her arms at his words. He turned to look at her and drank in her face. He ran his hand along her collarbone and she inhaled sharply. His hand continued to reach up to cup her cheek. He tipped her face up to his and kissed her. Valdor could have burned the whole universe in that instant and she wouldn’t have cared one ounce. She ran her fingers through his hair and wrapped her arms around his chest.

“I didn’t realise how long I’ve wanted to kiss you,” Drake whispered against her cheek. She smiled and leaned into him. She had recently discovered how much she’d wanted him to do that. They sank to the ground and sat in the soft bed of moss. She trailed her fingers along his face and they lay together by the water, apart from the world.


Vera returned late in the afternoon to find Sofi sitting in the garden.

“You’ve been gone all day. Where were you?” Sofi queried. You couldn’t lie to Sofi, so Vera sighed and told her the truth.

“I was with Drake.”

“Huh” Sofi said sagely.

“What do you mean ‘huh’?” Vera narrowed her eyes at her sister.

“I was wondering when he’d come back for you.” Sofi shrugged. Vera tapped her foot, waiting for more. “You were obviously in love with him, and he didn’t decide not to die on his own. He’d be mad not to love you.”

“What?” Vera asked, shocked. Had it been that obvious all along?

“Well maybe half-in love.” Sofi conceded. Vera snorted.

“You thought he’d come back for me?”

“Well what else would he have done?”

“Well you’re right, he did come back. Several times in fact. He’s been spying on Valdor and warning us before attacks. He spoke to the Elders last night.” Vera said smugly, enjoying the shocked expression on her sister’s face. For once, she didn’t know everything.

“Huh,” Sofi muttered again.

“Come on, I’m going to make you blueberry pancakes!” Vera said, pulling Sofi up off the grass.

“Wow, you must really love him. You only cook when you’re really, really hungry or really, really happy.” Sofi observed. Vera blushed and ducked inside.

“Smells good!” Lana commented as she sat her satchel on the table and dipped a finger in the pancake batter.

“Thanks, what brings you to my door?” Vera asked, swatting her away from the batter.

“I bring good tidings! Your cousin wants to know why you didn’t come to her first for your coronation gown.” Lana replied.

“I was going to,”

“Well you didn’t, I went to her this afternoon at mother’s insistence and she was horrified that you didn’t ask her first.”

“She was busy with Drake,” Sofi supplied from her perch. Lana’s eyebrows shot up and Vera glared at her sister.

“Doing what exactly? Certainly not planning battle strategy.” Lana prodded.

“We were… walking, and, ah,” Vera scrutinised Sofi. “Shoo for a bit will you? I’ll call when they’re cooked.” Sofi nodded and slid off her seat, padding softly out of earshot. “…kissing,” Vera added after a long pause. Lana spluttered.

“Kiss-a-wait, what?”

“I’m in love with him.” Vera stated simply.

“Wait! You’ll have to back this up a bit, when did you fall in love with the assassin?” Lana demanded, confused.

“I think when I let him escape,”

“You never said anything?”

“I didn’t know I loved him then!”

Lana shook her head and planted her face in her hands.

“I can’t believe you.” She sighed.

“He’s on our side!” Vera protested. Lana started laughing. “What?” Vera demanded. She was smiling too, though, and Lana grinned at her.

“So, is the bird a good kisser?” She asked slyly. Vera swatted her.

“He is a fine kisser. Find your own!” She yelped, turning red. Reluctantly Vera recounted her walk with Drake. Lana drank up every word, her taunting about Drake’s origins forgotten.

“So, did he turn against Valdor because he was in love with you?” Lana wondered.

“No, of course not, he did it for Raven. She’ll always come first for him.” Vera denied. She didn’t mind, Sofi was just as precious to her. Lana shrugged, disappointed.

“Sofi, Pancakes!” Vera hollered. Sofi skidded to a halt in front of Vera and held out a plate.

“Wow!” Lana said, blinking. “How did you move so fast?” Sofi grinned and Vera answered for her.

“Just give her enough motivation.” They sat down and ate the pancakes, showering Vera with compliments on her cooking.

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