Chapter 13

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As soon as he heard the news Bane headed for Vera’s home. He knew she’d want to be the first to know and he felt she might be the only person who could help at this point.

When he reached her House he hammered on the door only to be told she was out.

“Do you know where she is?” He demanded breathlessly. The cook replied,

“I think she was summoned to a meeting with the Princess Lana, she wasn’t returning tonight.”

Bane didn’t waste time answering, instead he made for the Equine Household as fast as his feet would take him.

He stood on the front step, hammering on the door so hard it might have been ripped from its hinges if the maid hadn’t answered it in that moment.

“I must speak with Princesses Vera!” He said.

“I’m sorry sir, but she’s in the company of the other princesses, I really don’t think-“

“I need to speak with her! Tell her it’s Bane!” He demanded. The maid scurried from the door, terrified.

Bane waited, but she didn’t come soon enough so he charged through the door just in time to see her emerge from Lana’s parlour, looking as though she was about to collapse. Her eyes widened when she saw him and she rushed forward.

“What’s happened?” She demanded.

“There’s been another case of the virus-” Vera gasped softly. “Anastasia Townsend and Thomas Crib,” He told her.

“Dear Lord,” She muttered softly. “Tom’s just a child, and Ana… oh, what Peter must being going through…”

“Vera!” Bane said softly as he took her by the shoulders and lifted her chin. “Do you have any of the plant left you used to cure your sister?” She nodded her head sadly.

“Only a small portion, barley enough for one person- if that…” She trailed off and looked in the direction of the gates. Bane shook her slightly.

“You are not going out there again! Tell the guards what to look for and where to find it and they’ll go, but you’re needed here Vera, it’s too dangerous outside.” He commanded her. She nodded her head. Her head told her she had to go to the Crib’s and Ana and begin the rest of the complicated process involved in making the cure. But she still didn’t fully trust the guards with returning with the right plant in time. Bane watched her face.

“I will go with them if it reassures you any,” He told her.

“Thank you” she said with resignation.

Turning she saw the maid still at the door looking conflicted.

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