Chapter 8: Make You Feel My Love

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Ayumi was excited when she woke up the next morning. It was finally time for her date, and she made sure nothing—not even work—would bother them that day.

She made her way to Yuri, who fell asleep on the couch. "Morning Yura," she chirped, waking him up. After having some room-service fruit smoothies, they changed into casual outfits and headed out the hotel.

Being well-versed with the ins and outs of the city, Ayumi led her boyfriend to one of her favorite spots: Orchard Road. She loved vibrant places where locals gathered to enjoy life, so she thought it would be perfect for them to blend in.

"What are you doing?!" Yuri complained as she dragged him to one of the many street vendors scattered in the area. She didn't offer an explanation. Instead she pointed to a small sign on the vendor's cart. "What flavor would you like?"

"Uh... chocolate chip???"

After paying, she immediately faced Yuri and offered the treat. He looked at it suspiciously. It was a block of ice cream sandwiched between rainbow-colored bread. "What the hell is that?!"

"Don't ask, just try it. When have I ever let you down when it comes to food?"

Ayumi knew he couldn't resist her puppy-dog eyes, and he swiftly took the sandwich from her hands. His eyes widened after taking a bite.

"So, how is it?"

Yuri brought the sandwich to her lips and motioned for her to take a bite as well. She closed her eyes and savored the sweet desert she hasn't had in a long time.

"Damn, it's so good!!!" he shouted, snatching it back and gobbling it down. "Why hasn't Kamoshita made this before?! This is great!"

She giggled, buying him another one. "Told you so."

They continued walking along Orchard Road after he has had three sandwiches. He refused to let go of her hand as he asked about her past adventures in Singapore. Yuri seemed genuinely interested, so she told him about the 4-week music program she and her friends attended when she was little. It was favored by wealthy parents because the world-famous Chinese pianist Lang Lang was an instructor. She met Ethan and Amanda Zhang in that program, and they all often sneaked out to explore the city and eat food their parents wouldn't approve of.

Several camera flashes interrupted their conversation. They turned around and saw that the paparazzi were already on their trail. Yuri pulled her away, breaking off into a run.

"Don't they have better things to do?" she grumbled as they went down the stairs that led to Orchard MRT Station. "I really didn't think we'd be this relevant to the media."

"Let's just get out of here," Yuri replied, hastily buying subway tickets. They made it to the train just as the doors were about to close, and he wrapped an arm around her while lifting the hood of her jacket above her head. "There, much better."

She was internally sulking when an idea popped into her mind. Taking her phone out, she pulled Yuri closer and pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek.

His face would soon be a deep shade of red after seeing her Instagram post.

@a.matsumoto Hello, Singapore. Wishing you all good luck in trying to find us. @yuri-plisetsky


Walking along a stone pathway at Singapore Botanical Gardens in the early evening, Yuri Plisetsky was blissfully happy.

Apart from that one incident with the paparazzi, the date turned out great. They roamed the hidden corners of Singapore, going to an old eatery to try out local dishes like laksa, bak kut teh, and satay. He had to admit: Singaporean food was amazing. He was incredibly pleased and stuffed his face with it.

Of course, visiting Lion City Kitty at Purvis Street was arguably his favorite part of the date. Ayumi knew him well. They spent hours there playing with a wide variety of cats. A grin was plastered on her face when his soft side came out. It was rare for him to be so relaxed. He enjoyed the place so much that he ended up buying matching animal-print hoodies from the souvenir shop, making Ayumi wear it with him before leaving the museum.

The rest of the day was spent frolicking one of the country's most iconic parks. They marveled at the beauty of the orchids in the garden as they talked about the most random of things. They even sat near a small lake just basking in the splendor of the setting sun, their hands entwined.

Yuri never considered himself a romantic, but he really loved going on dates with Ayumi. Whenever they spent time together, they were free from all the responsibilities and pressures they had to assume. He really needed the time to be himself with no hesitations. The constant hounding of the press plagued his mind as he studied his girlfriend's features.

Ayumi had no idea about the stress he has been dealing with the past few weeks. She was never one to constantly check updates on social media, so he was certain she has not read anything out of the ordinary. To add to all that, she was incredibly busy. Every time he went back to the hotel room after practice, he could clearly see the pile of documents that always waited for her return. She was working 24/7, and he couldn't blame her for any of it.

But watching her peaceful face illuminated by the lights that lined the path, he saw none of that. He saw the real Ayumi—the Ayumi he always knew. Despite drowning in the upper class, she was still patient, cheerful and simple. She was the girl who takes everything in stride and continues to carry herself with grace. To him, she was perfect.

He didn't know if he could be the same.

Yuri's gaze wandered to a large banyan tree a few meters ahead of where they stood. A multitude of roots flowed down from its branches and draped over like a curtain. It had many nooks and crannies, making it the perfect hiding spot.

He quickly pulled Ayumi to the tree, pushing her against a crevice on its trunk. They were completely hidden from view. With their bodies pressed together, he could feel her rapid heartbeat as he stared into her eyes.

"So..." she asked, timidly looking down. "am I officially forgiven?"

"I don't know, Ayu. You tell me."

He leaned in to kiss her. His hand supported the back of her head as his lips kneaded hers. She gave in to his touch, and he could pick up the faint smell of lavender from her neck, the taste of mocha on her lips, and the silkiness of her skin. The darkness that surrounded them only heightened his senses and made every little thing about her so addicting. He wanted more.

"Mmm..." he moaned when he felt her pull lightly at his blond locks. Ayumi was innocent when it came to anything physical, so every move she did out of pure instinct drove him crazy. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, regaining his control. He needed to make her feel how much he longed for her.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The mood was thoroughly ruined by the sound of Ayumi's ring tone. She did a face palm, knocking her head twice on his chest while fishing out her phone. He chuckled at her cuteness, his lips still swollen.

"Hello, Miss Ayumi?" Yuri instantly recognized the voice of his girlfriend's 52-year-old butler on speakerphone.

"Kamoshita?" she answered politely. "We agreed not to talk about work today, remember? I promise I'll get back to it as soon as I–"

"It's not that miss," he answered, his tone sounding stressed. "It's your parents. They're here... in Singapore."

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