Chapter 36: Take on the World

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"So... you're not going to quit being my student anymore?"

Ayumi was more than glad to reveal her intentions to Yakov. Her other rink mates gave her small pats of reassurance as she confirmed, "Yes coach. I'll continue skating under your guidance. Yuri and I aren't going to be a problem anymore. Besides, I don't think any other coach would be a better fit for me."

The faintest of smiles formed on Yakov's face. "Well, I'm definitely not going to go easy on you. After your slip-up today, you'll be following all my orders. You'll eat what I tell you to eat and sleep when I tell you to sleep. Is that clear?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way," she said before entering the waiting room. Yuri was standing next to a pillar, his right leg stretched almost vertically upward. He wore a serious expression on his face, and Ayumi timidly approached her boyfriend.

Gosh, boyfriend. It feels just as awkward as it was the first time.

"Hey Yura. Do you need anything? Water? An apple for a sugar boost?"

Yuri said nothing in reply. He got out of his stretching and simply held both her hands. She immediately understood what it meant. "You're nervous."

"What?! No, I'm not!"

"Maybe. But you are feeling stressed," she noted. "You always do this whenever you are."

He mused. "I guess there really is nothing that escapes you, huh?"

Yeah... except when it did in Singapore, her mind reasoned. The memory made her wince. Yuri noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"

She did not know how to respond. There was so much she wanted to say, but there were not enough words to say it. An idea suddenly dawned on her. She fumbled to get her phone out of her jacket's pocket and plugged the earphones into Yuri's ears, just as she has done many times before. After a few taps, she finally found the song she wanted him to hear:

Just say the word, we'll take on the world
Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst

"Ayu..." Yuri whispered, placing his hands on her waist.

"I wish this was what I told you then," she explained. "Remembering how I handled the situation honestly makes me feel so foolish. Really, words aren't enough to tell you how sorry I am."

He shook his head and held her tighter. "Stop that. I did stupid things too. I shouldn't have hidden the shit going on with those vedmas from you. I shouldn't have lashed out when you were trying to explain that thing with Ethan. I shouldn't have—"

"Hey..." she cooed. "It doesn't matter. From now on, don't hesitate to me what bothers you okay? That way we can work things out together."

Yuri stared at her determinedly, bringing a hand to her cheeks. "And don't you dare leave me, understand? I'm not going to lose you like that again. I can't."

They stayed silent until it was almost his turn. Ayumi joined him all the way to the entrance. She gave his hand one last squeeze and said, "I know it must be tiring to hear this from me, but you've got this. You've been doing so well this season, so you don't have to worry."

He turned to her with wide eyes. "You've s-seen me? Y-you've been w-watching?"

"Yeah. I have," she admitted, looking down at the floor. "Blame Kamoshita, but I've watched all your competitions. The only one I missed was your short program the other day. I'm sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable or anything, I was just—"

She did not even finish that sentence before he suddenly hugged her. "You... You've been with me this whole time...God, and just when I thought you didn't care anymore..."

His words made her realize how much he longed for her support. Yuri had a lot on the line in every competition, and that really took a toll on him. Giving him a hug and cheering for him were her methods of encouragement as his best friend. When they got together, she often found herself wordless in expressing her feelings. Those gestures became her way of saying 'I love you', and somehow Yuri understood that. Then she realized:

It has always been that way since the beginning. I probably loved him for that long. I just didn't know it.

"Hey... I'm right here, and I'll always have your back. Now go out there and show them your best. Davai."

Yuri nodded, squeezing her once more before skating away.


"On the ice, representing Russia: Yuri Plisetsky!"

The screams of Yuri's fans were ear-splitting as he took his initial position. He was one program away from a back-to-back victory at the Grand Prix Final. Along with his desire to win the gold medal, there was happiness in him that he never entered the arena with before. It was not a giddy feeling, no—it was more like a sense of peace. Like he has finally made peace with himself.

Figures. Of all the places I can have a realization at, it just has to be on the ice.

Yuri has been skating for as long as he can remember. He spent most of his life training and perfecting his abilities, and his efforts definitely bore fruit. He was one of the best out there—the unbeatable Ice Tiger of Russia. You would think all that acclaim would make him feel self-assured. After everything that happened, however, he realized he was not as confident as he made himself seem.

They say one could not go through life like a battering ram without bruising some bystanders along the way. That was exactly how his life has been. Living up to the expectations people had meant fending off anyone that stood in his way. It made him tough, but it did make him detestable. Many people preferred to stay away from his line of fire, and he was used to having no one care about him. He did not think anyone besides his grandfather could move past his arrogance and stay by his side.

Then Ayumi came into his life and showed him he was worth loving. Suddenly, all of that changed.

When she finally became his, Yuri knew she was a person he never wanted to lose. But when he got a glimpse on how immense their differences really were, he thought he already did. He felt incompetent for the first time in his life. He was just a figure skater—the heiress of one of the Matsumoto Corporation was completely out of his league. The pressure got to him, and ironically that was what pushed her away.

As he prepared for his quad loop, Yakov's words from one year ago entered his mind. He executed the jump flawlessly, raising his arms for a higher score.

"Strength is not only about how confident you appear."

There will always be haters. Even his emotional outburst the previous day received some negativity, and that was unavoidable. But he did not care anymore. He did not need the approval of many—all he needed were the ones he truly cared about. He finally had inner strength, and he could go on winning medal after medal knowing there were people who believed in him unconditionally.

That was something worth fighting for.

Ayumi welcomed him with a tender embrace after his free skate ended. She was about to give him a timid kiss on the cheek, but he quickly turned his head so her lips would land on his. The resulting roar of the audience made her facepalm herself in embarrassment. He let out a snicker.

I really can't believe I fell for this idiot.

His free skate score was 204.94—a new personal best. His girlfriend smiled and whispered, "Congratulations, Yura."

Yuri hugged her with confidence. His program was flawless. He was in first place, and Katsuki Yuuri was the only skater left. Holding her hand tightly, he pulled her away from wishing the Katsudon luck. They watched as he received last-minute advice—and what appeared to be a kiss—from Viktor before entering the rink.

He was going to win. All he had to do was wait.

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