Chapter 20: Let It Go

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[The Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore—1 hour and 30 minutes before]

"Ayumi Matsumoto and I are not dating."

Ayumi's mouth was gaping. She had to be sure Ethan knew what he was getting himself into. Putting a gentle hand on his shoulder, she asked, "Are you sure about this?"

He gave her a bright smile. "Yeah. I am."

She gave him a nod in encouragement before he continued. "Everything we've said and done to make you all believe that we were in a relationship were things we did to keep up a charade. The news reports and tabloids, however, were all mistaken. We did not go on a romantic dinner date. That was just a casual dinner after a long business meeting. Ayumi and I are not together, and we were never together."

Loud chatter emanated from every corner of the room. Madame Khoo was standing at the side of the stage with a horrified expression. "Alamak, Ethan! What are you doing?! Stop it this instant!!!"

"No, mother!" Ethan fought back, and Ayumi felt tears on the corner of her eyes. "I am going to say what's on my mind, and you are going to listen for once!"

Madame Khoo reeled in humiliation, and he turned his attention back to the audience. "I've been hiding something from my mother for the past two years. I was scared to admit it because I knew how ruthless she was. I knew she would cut me off and ruin my life... and the life of the person I love. So, I pretended to date Ayumi to keep her from finding out the truth."

Everyone started talking all at once. Ayumi could feel the judgmental stares, but she did not care. The tears that built up on her eyes finally fell, and she covered her mouth with her hands. She was uncertain whether that was the wisest move on his part, but she was proud of him for finally stepping up.

"PLEASE! I know there has been a lot of talk about Ayumi these past few weeks, but please don't take anything against her! I was desperate, and she only did this to help me. She doesn't deserve the blame for anything—I do. I put both of us in this situation, but I'm done with it. With that said, I'd like to introduce to all of you the girl who stole my heart..."

Ethan took a deep breath before he spoke. "Amanda? Could you please come up? I know you're here."

Ayumi looked around, trying to find Amanda amidst the crowd. Her friend was standing near the door with her face frozen in shock. She teetered her way towards her, ignoring the pain that shot up from her abdomen.

Amanda was crying. "Oh my God, Yumi..." Ayumi wrapped her arms around her and rubbed her back. "Ethan... he's..."

"Yeah. He is," she affirmed. She pulled away and gave her assurance. "He's letting the world know about you. Now go, he's probably scared out of his wits up there."

They both chuckled despite the waterworks, and Ayumi had to nudge her towards the stage. She stayed silent and watched as Ethan held Amanda's hand.

"This is Amanda Zhang, my real girlfriend. Yes, she isn't Singaporean, and she isn't old money. She doesn't own a billion-dollar mansion. But she's beautiful, witty and talented. She doesn't know how to cook, but she makes a mean cup of coffee. She's so supportive. She stayed by my side despite how much my actions hurt her. She's my best friend, my partner and my better half... and I want her to be mine forever."

Excitement roared in the ballroom. The women were squealing as the bachelor of their dreams pulled a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee in front of his girlfriend.

"I know I haven't made the wisest decisions, but I want you to know that loving you is the best decision I ever made. I'm not going to let my fears get in between us anymore. So, Amanda Zhang... will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Amanda's face was unreadable, but she was obviously overwhelmed with joy. "Ethan... you do realize we're only eighteen, right?"

"I know, and we don't need to rush. Let's just count this as me marking my territory."

Everyone laughed at his statement. Amanda covered her face and fought to control her giggles. She looked at her boyfriend's face with the biggest smile. "If that's the case, then YES! I'll marry you!"

Ethan sild the ring on her finger and brought her in for a heartfelt hug. No one could take their eyes off the newly-engaged couple on the stage. The cheers and applause for the two were unending, and Madame Khoo was left speechless. Somehow people moved past Amanda's lack of established pedigree and delighted in Ethan's romantic gesture.

Score one for the team.

Ayumi pressed her hands together when they shared a tender kiss. All she had to endure the past weeks suddenly felt worth it. Her friends were in each other's arms, and they no longer needed to hide. She looked around the ballroom and saw her fellow skaters merrily applauding the couple and enjoying themselves in the party. She breathed in happiness.

Everything looks so beautiful. It's perfect... without me.

While the focus of the guests was on Ethan and Amanda, she quietly slipped out of the ballroom. She pulled out her phone from her purse and dialed a number once she was at the gallery.

"You're still waiting for me outside, right? I'm heading out now."

She held her stomach, walking through the glass doors of the hotel towards a Mercedes Maybach waiting at the driveway.

"You left surprisingly early, Miss Ayumi."

Ayumi bowed her head at Kamoshita, who was standing there waiting for her. "Yeah. I think I'm done with what I came to do."

Her butler winced, and he eyed the hand that clutched her stomach. "We'll have to patch up your compression bandage as soon as we get there, miss. Your father insists on it."

"I see. Is he still here in Singapore?"

"No, miss. He flew back to Taiwan this morning, but he instructed me to take additional care for your injury. He also requested for you to call him as soon as possible."

"Okay," she replied. Kamoshita opened the passenger door, and she soundlessly entered the car.

There was something simply dazzling about the lights that filled the night sky. Ayumi took in the beauty of it as they drove through Singapore's East Coast Parkway. She breathed in, feeling immense relief for the first time in a while.

I've done all I could. This drama is over. We can finally let go.

"Miss Ayumi... are you sure this is really what you want?"

She paused at Kamoshita's question. Her hand unconsciously slid past her neckline, and she pulled out a necklace hidden underneath the dress. She stared at it for a few seconds before pressing the snowflake-shaped pendant to her lips.

"Yeah, I am."

Ayumi looked out the window once more. They were close to the end of the highway, and she could see the lights from a beacon up ahead. She smiled.

There was no backing out now.

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