Chapter 16: The Ice is Getting Thinner

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"Thank you very much to tonight's generous patrons and bidders. We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully raised more than 1.2 million dollars in donations, table sales and auction biddings! Let us all give a round of applause!"

Ovation thundered throughout the ballroom, but Ayumi struggled to keep a festive mood. It has been a long night, with many people asking about her "relationship" and Madame Khoo constantly introducing them to her friends and associates. All the activity was giving her a headache. She winced, slowly standing up from the banquet round.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ethan asked. "Where are you going?"

"I just need some fresh air. I'll be back in a few."

Sauntering past the gallery, she went through the glass doors that led outside. The night sky was bursting with color, and there was a gentle breeze that rustled the foliage. She clutched her head in discomfort. The wind helped calm her down, and she started to relax.

Her headache gradually subsided, just enough that she could return to the gala. She was about to walk back in when she noticed a figure staring intently at her from across the stone pathway. The person was dressed in a tuxedo, and his blond hair was unmistakeable. She did not speak—this was the moment she expected to happen.

"You..." Yuri growled, walking towards her. "How long have you been lying to me?"

Ayumi looked away, refusing to meet his gaze.

"All this time, I thought I was the one who messed up. When you backed away from me that night, I thought it was because I pushed things too far and hurt you. I gave you space, thinking that was what you needed," he sneered, his anger rising to the surface. "But it looks like that wasn't the case! How long have you been seeing that asshole?! How long have you been making a fool out of me?!?!"

She felt tears start to form in her eyes, but she knew she had to hold it in. Yuri needed to believe her hoax—he needed to think what she made everyone else think.


It was not the first time he was ever mad at her. She could clearly remember how frustrated he was the morning after she drunk her way out of a mental breakdown. That was nothing compared to how furious he was at that moment. His face was seething red and his expression was completely dark. If looks could kill, she would be buried six feet under and then some.

"I have so many fans, so many girls willing to throw themselves at me! But did I ever cheat on you?! NO!!! I didn't because I fucking love you, Ayumi!" he screamed his lungs out. "But I guess this was all a game to you, wasn't it? You were just toying with me, right? You were just using me until someone bigger and better came along!"

At that point, Ayumi's heart completely shattered. She wanted him to blame everything on her—she wanted him to hate her so much he would stay as far away from her as he can. Hearing those words come out of his mouth, however, hurt more than she thought it would. All she wanted to do right then was hug him, tell him the truth, beg for forgiveness, and kiss everything away.

No, Ayumi. Don't. You need to do the right thing.

"Stop it, Yura."

You need to let him go.

He inched closer until his face was right in front of hers. "I came here because I believed you, Ayu. I thought there had to be a better explanation for you hanging out with that bastard. But after that stunt you two pulled off earlier, I don't even know why I tried."

Ayumi was offended as the next statement came out of his mouth: "My fans were right! You are a goddamn slut! I should have never trusted you!"

Those words cut deeper into her than anything anyone has ever said before. She never thought that the person who would think the worst of her was the one she loved the most.

You got what was coming to you, Ayumi. Don't act like you're the victim of your own stupidity.

"You're right," she acknowledged, not even trying to defend herself anymore. "It was wrong for you to trust me. But I can't blame you. After all, I've been messing with you for two years, right? I guess we've both done stupid things..."

She spoke again before he could retort. "You should have known better than to trust someone like me. I'm a rich heiress who wants nothing more than to gain more money and marry a man who can help expand the family business. I can't have real, honest feelings like a normal person could. So yes, I am a slut. Now go, and stop wasting your time."

His eyes narrowed at her words. "How dare you insult me like that without any form of remorse?! You are so shameless! After making me believe you loved me, you go on and trample down on me like I'm just scum underneath your shoes?! BULLSHIT!!!"

No Yura, that's not true! She was screaming in her mind. I love you so much! As much as she wanted to say it, she knew it was wrong. Keep it up. Go on.

"You don't need to put up with me. You really don't. A relationship with someone who's this conceited and heartless... it's not what you signed up for."

Yuri stood still, then his eyes suddenly widened. "What?! Where did you—"

"Just end this and walk away, Yura. Trust me, you deserve someone better."

"FINE! Then I WILL!!!"

For some reason, she felt relieved hearing those words out loud. Of everything she said that day, it was probably the one thing she told him that was true. He was only sixteen, and he had so much potential to grow as a skater and as a person. He did not belong in her world—a realm so rigid and cutthroat. If he stayed, his star would constantly be dimmed by other people and never have the chance to shine.

He deserved better than that.

"Yumi? What are you doing here?"

She turned around and saw Ethan in front of the glass doors that led to the hotel. She didn't know if he heard their argument, but she saw an opportunity to get out of the situation she was in.

"Oh, I was just settling things with Yuri. We've just finished talking, though. Would you mind accompanying me back to the ballroom?"

He nodded. "Not at all. I was looking for you anyway. Come on, my mother wants to introduce us to Chairman Wong."


She let Ethan put his arm around her as they entered the gallery. As soon as she was out of Yuri's sight, she began to tremble. Ethan noticed this and immediately brought her to a hidden staircase at the far corner of the hotel.

"Hey... are you okay?"

Hidden from everyone's view and in the consolation of her friend, the floodgates opened. Ayumi finally broke down.

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