Chapter 30: If You Could See Me Now

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[Nippon Gaishi Hall, Nagoya]    

"So... she really isn't coming, huh?"

The Juniors' events have ended on the first official day of the Grand Prix Final, and it was time for the highlight of the afternoon: The Men's Singles Short Program. Yuri Plisetsky just left the ice after the six-minute warm-up, and he couldn't help but look around hoping Ayumi would show up and cheer him on... just like she always did. But she was not there. It stung not to see her sparkling hazel eyes and her reassuring smile, and he doubted if he would ever get used to that feeling.

A friendly hand patted his shoulder. "Hey Yuri."

"Beka," he acknowledged. Otabek was one of his opponents that evening, along with that Phichit guy, the Canadian bastard, Viktor, and the Katsudon. He was confident that he would come out on top, but he did not underestimate any single one of them. They all had the potential to take the title away from him.

"You look a bit distracted," Otabek commented. "Is it because of Yumi?"

Despite the fact they were close friends, Yuri had to remember that he was still a competitor... and as with every competitor, he did not dare show his weaknesses in front of him. "No. I was just looking for Yakov."

"If you're looking for your coach, he's at the waiting room talking to Viktor."

"Thanks," he answered before heading backstage. Yakov was indeed at the waiting room, and he could tell by his scorching face that he was in the middle of yet another scolding session. The old man was going on and on about how Viktor should have some decency and stop canoodling Yuuri in the middle of the event, but the grey-haired Russian refused to listen. Yuri rolled his eyes, plugged his earbuds in, and listened to his short program music to drown their voices out.

He was the fifth person to skate. When it was almost his turn, he went to the sidelines and watched as JJ performed. Once again, the Canadian had two planned quads: the Lutz and the Loop. He snarled. That damn bastard, throwing around high-difficulty jumps just to insult me. I'll show him who's a better skater!

"Yuri," Yakov called, interrupting his thoughts. "Switch out the quad loop. You've been landing it so far, but your GOE has always been negative because it's unstable. Use a toe loop for now."

"How many times do I have to tell you no, Yakov?! I'm doing it!"

Yakov no longer had the time to make a rebuttal as he was already skating towards the center of the ice. His short program piece echoed throughout the arena, and he skated his heart out. There was no hesitation in any of his movements, and when it finally came to the quad loop... Success. That was the most stable one he landed that season. His tenacity never faltered as he completed the other technical elements in his program, and that thoroughly pleased his fans.

He was determined to win once again. For himself, for his grandfather, and for Russia. He was going skate his best, even if Ayumi was not there for him.

"Yuri Plisetsky's score is 104.86! Amazing! He is currently in first place!"

The score was nowhere near his world record, but it was certainly high enough to keep everyone at bay. It even defeated Viktor's score by three points. He smirked. That's right assholes, I'm going to win!

Yuuri Katsuki was the last person to skate. He rested his laurels, knowing the Japanese skater was struggling with his triple Axel in practice. But when he landed it with his hands raised, Yuri started to tense up.

Shit. The Katsudon is out on a mission.

Then the score came up. 109.05. Yuuri Katsuki performed a spectacular routine, enough to topple him down to second place. He snarled. He was not pleased, not pleased at all.


Yuri did not appreciate being dragged along to anything, but he had to admit Viktor was immensely persuasive when he wanted to be. He, along with Yakov, Lilia and the rest of the Saint Petersburg skating family were at the hotel's Montmartre restaurant having dinner after the short program. They were almost complete—the only one who was missing was Ayumi.

No one has seen her at all that day. Mila said she did not attend the unofficial practices at the Sports Center Rink, and no one has seen her around the hotel either. It was not particularly unusual though. Ayumi always stayed under the radar during the finals whenever it was not her day to compete.

Or so they thought.

While waiting for their food to arrive, they all pulled out their phones to check social media. The men's Short Program was trending—but not exactly. An article from The Japan Times, along with several paparazzi shots, was the top story of the evening:

Ayumi Matsumoto gets mobbed in Buddhist Temple

Upon her visit to Nagoya's Osu Kannon Temple, heiress Ayumi Matsumoto was assaulted by avid figure skating fans amidst controversies surrounding her appearance at the Grand Prix Final. Her tears are evident on these photos where she is seen being grabbed by girls wearing cat ears—presumed to be fans of renowned Russian skater Yuri Plisetsky.

"Why isn't there a security team helping her? God..." Mila groaned. Yuri was not really listening. It became clear to him why Ayumi was not around during his short program, but what somehow unsettled him was why she went to Osu Kannon in the first place. He knew she was Buddhist, yet she was never devout in her religion. In fact, the only time he has ever seen her go to a temple was during the last Grand Prix Final, when it was...


He quickly checked the date. December 8th. It was Miwako Ogawa's second death anniversary. The realization immediately made him get up and run, leaving the others confused and his food untouched.

Dammit! I can't believe I didn't remember! He thought as he rushed to get to her hotel suite. At that point, he shoved aside every misgiving he had about coming to see her. From tiring herself out with both work and studies, dealing with his obsessive fans, and now being harassed while reliving Miwako's memory—Ayumi Matsumoto has bitten off more than she can chew. He did not care anymore if she was going to push him away. All he wanted to do was just be there for her.

"Kamoshita!" he screamed when he saw the butler waiting outside the door. "Let me in! I need to see her!"

"I can't, Mister Plisetsky!" Kamoshita answered, blocking his way.

He was not going to budge. "Move! I know Ayu probably doesn't want to see me, but please! She can't be alone, especially today! She needs me!"

"I know that sir," the butler admitted. "But I literally cannot do anything. Miss Ayumi ordered me not to let anyone disturb her tonight because she was busy. She locked the doors herself sir, and she would not even let me in."

A lot of scenarios went through Yuri's head. Ayumi could be doing anything behind those doors. She could be drowning herself in work again, or worse. He remembered the night she went missing in Hasetsu, coming back the next day helplessly drunk. He never wanted to see her in that state again.

But there was nothing he could do. He and Kamoshita were already causing a racket outside, yet they were only met by silence coming from her room. Yuri froze. His ex-girlfriend was not just avoiding him anymore. She has succeeded in shutting everyone else out, literally.

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