Chapter 18: Hate That I Love You

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[Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore—9 hours before]

Get up, Ayumi. It's almost your turn.

Ayumi's body disobeyed her mind as she tried to get herself off the chair she was sitting on. She was hunched over in despair, eyes swimming over the words on her phone:

@yuri_angels @a.matsumoto YOU WHORE!!! How dare you hurt Yuratchka like that?! I can't believe we trusted you! Go to hell!

@AngelstarPrincess Ayumi deserves to die. FU bitch!!! #JusticeforYuri

It was hard to ignore the tweets that were plain as day, and they were only getting worse. She also started receiving a bunch of hate mail from Yuri's Angels. The pressure was getting heavier by the hour, and she could feel herself cracking under its weight.

"Yumi?" Sara Crispino said with a gentle pat. "Are you alright? You look sick."

"Oh... yeah. I just forgot I was up next. Sorry, I have to get going."

Ayumi finally stood up and strode along the hallway leading to the ice. It was the last day of the Singapore Ice Festival, and she felt completely drained. She was tempted to back out after days of receiving verbal attacks whenever she skated. It was only her commitment to the Khoo Foundation that pushed her to fulfill her duty and complete the show.

Just one last performance. Hang on. For the children. Don't let them down.

When she got to the entrance of the rink, the men were just leaving after a group performance. Yuri was with them, and she had to look away from his piercing glare. The others did not talk to her as well. She figured they probably sided with him based on what they heard from the reports. Viktor and Yuuri seemed like they wanted to acknowledge her, but they stopped themselves before they could. Their looks of disappointment made her feel guiltier than she already was.

"Now, let us welcome the current World Female Champion from Taiwan, Ayumi Matsumoto!!!"

The crowd was roaring as she skated to the center of the ice. She heard girls booing from every part of the arena, and it was not hard to guess why with all the posters of Yuri they held in their hands. Their taunting was deafening, but Ayumi had no choice but to deal with it.

Hang on. For Yuri.

The sound of a piano started to play—the first notes from Save My Soul, by JoJo. Back when she and Yuri were conceptualizing their routines for the show, she decided on using it because its melody attracted her. Yuri was against it because he thought the song was too dark, given how great things were between them.

"Why the hell would you use that song? We're happy, aren't we?"

However, she really wanted to explore her range of expression, and the song was perfect for that. She just pecked his lips and proceeded to work with it anyway.

I tried to wash the scars and marks from under my skin
But you're etched in me like stone

Now that their relationship was over, she found herself bringing a raw emotion to the performance.

You can't save me (yeah, yeah)
You call it love, but still you hate me? (yeah, yeah)
Lord I try and I can't say no

Her signature quad Salchow was a success. The lyrics were about helplessness in the face of addiction, but they made her think of her situation. Yuri cannot do anything to take her away from who she was, and she could not say no to it, either. She was a hopeless case, and she needed to let him go before she tore him apart.

"My fans were right, you are a goddamn slut!"

She was happy to absorb the hate from him and his fans if it meant he was better off. She knew that forgetting him was going to be harder than that. He meant a lot to her, and she did not want their memories tarnished by the things they both did and said.

I try to run, but it hurts every time I try
Lord I try and I can't say no

She was trying to be the mature one and end things before it went any further. But letting go seemed twice as painful. She simply convinced herself that she going to be okay. After all, she was doing the right thing. That was something she could hold onto.

Ayumi finished her performance and bowed to the audience. She skated towards the entrance, and without warning... everything vanished.

A flash of light blinded her as she slowly opened her eyes. She could hear the muffled voices of people around her, and she felt herself being lifted off the cold ice. She whimpered when a sharp stab of pain erupted from her stomach. It was throbbing. A satisfied laughter come from a distance, and she became aware of what was going on.

You got what you wanted, didn't you?


"Oh shit, Yuri... your fans are insane."

The staff and medics were all rushing towards the rink. Every skater was staring at the large TV screen in horror. They could do nothing but watch as Ayumi Matsumoto struggled to recover after being hit by a Yuri Plisetsky plush toy. The security team opened the outer skin, and instead of seeing the usual fluffy stuffing, they found that it was filled with jagged stones and pebbles.

Yuri didn't know how to react when she stumbled backstage to the nearest chair. The medics hovered to check on her, but she politely brushed them off.

"I'm fine. It's just a bruise. Please go on with the show," she said with an tired smile.

What are you talking about!?! That's not going to be 'just a bruise'! He wanted to scream at her. Stop being so stubborn, Ayu!

His fans were officially out of control. The hatred they threw on his ex-girlfriend online came to life through rocks, and he felt anger bubble in his chest. They had no right to do that! An injured sob escaped her lips, and his heart clenched. Seeing Ayumi ache because of his fans was too much for him to bear.

Kamoshita arrived after a few minutes to fetch her. She clutched the ice pack pressed to her waist and abruptly stood up, ignoring the warning of the medics. Another cry of pain. She held on to her butler's arm for support as she staggered towards the exit.

Some of the skaters followed her in concern, but he just stood there in a daze. His mind was conflicted, and he didn't know what to feel.

"Don't you want to go check on her?" a voice said from behind him. Otabek. Viktor and Yuuri stood nearby, looking at him intently.

I want to, he thought to himself. I need to see if she's okay.

But he could not bring himself to say it. The feelings he held towards her were tainted by his anger at what she did. As much as he cared about her, he could never forgive her for breaking his heart. He was Yuri Plisetsky, the Ice Tiger of Russia. He was not going to allow a girl like Ayumi to crumple him like he was made of paper. He was not going to be the first one to give in.

She got what she deserved.

"No, I don't."

An Unwavering Love (A Yuri Plisetsky Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant