I Love You

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Jeunguk Pov

We all sat in Sunny's basement trying to figure out a way to get our side of town back "Dye your hair, change your clothes, wear masks anything to disguise yourselves?" She said and I just looked at her, maybe she wasn't all stupid after all

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We all sat in Sunny's basement trying to figure out a way to get our side of town back "Dye your hair, change your clothes, wear masks anything to disguise yourselves?" She said and I just looked at her, maybe she wasn't all stupid after all. "Thats surprisingly a good idea" I slouched and she looked at me smiling. "Why don't you become a spy for us? Get some bruises and run to Jongup in tears, say you've been getting nothing but beaten since you got back, because we thought everything was your fault, and we can disguise ourselves and follow you around and make sure your safe, Jongup won't hurt you, he killed your family so he could get you, remember that" Changsun said and we all looked at him "How is she going to get bruises?" Hui asked and they all looked at me "Still own your paint ball gun?" Changsun asked and I nodded my head "I'm not allowing this" Jinhong spoke up and i rolled my eyes, "What if she gets hurt, if they catch on? Than what?! Another member dies?" He asked "you guys don't need to watch over me, You need to worry about getting MyName on your side to help you because now that they have 2/3 of the town they will go after MyName for the whole town they will join you once they realize that, they were attacked once and went into hiding but I know where their hideout is" I said and they all looked at me as the door opened "Sunny?! 24K?! What the hell are you doing here?!" JunQ Yelled "Gunwoo I let you use my house and we need to talk" I said and he nodded.

Sunny Pov

"So in the long run you need our help to get your side of town back

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"So in the long run you need our help to get your side of town back. What's in it for us?" Seyong asked and i let out a sigh "In it for you? How about not getting your side of town taken because you're in hiding, and you're able to enter our Club and get all the girls you want no gang fighting allowed." I said and Seyong winked "How about you come back with us and leave 24k?" Gunwoo asked and I shook my head "I already told you I-" "I mean after we get your side of town back" He said and i froze "come on Sun I'll take good care of you" Seyong smirked "Seyong you Sick-" "I'm kidding, we will help ONLY if we get the club and rights to Sunny, Rights meaning we can pop on in to see her when ever we want and vice versa no gang fighting allowed" Insoo said and we all agreed to it. 

Jinhong Pov

It was all ready Sunny was full of bruises and even a black eye due to Hui's terrible aim I was nervous I still loved her but I didn't know how to tell her, its been almost 2 years since I last saw her, "You ready?" Changsun asked her and she nodded her head and went to the door turning to us "You will lookout for me right?" She asked and we all nodded.

It was all ready Sunny was full of bruises and even a black eye due to Hui's terrible aim I was nervous I still loved her but I didn't know how to tell her, its been almost 2 years since I last saw her, "You ready?" Changsun asked her and she nodd...

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I grabbed Sunny before she could walk out the door and Kissed her causing her to tense up "I Love you, come back to me safely, but do whatever you have to do to keep yourself safe and to not draw attention to anything okay?" I said and she nodded her head, than walked out the door

Gunwoo Pov

I watched Sunny walk out the door and my heart dropped I still cared for her and now seeing her put herself at risk worried me a lot. I thought back to all the fun times we all had before the gangs before anything, living all together and our little dinner outings or our homemade meals, when everything was peaceful and fun while now its all protection and hate. we watched as she ran into town and one of Jongups members grab her arm "Gunwoo get out and follow, her" I looked up at Hui handed me a black wig which brought back more memories from back than. 

I got out and followed Sunny and the man "Please you have to help me they are coming They are going to continue to hurt me!" She cried out but the man just ignored her. I turned on my phone and put it in my back pocket calling Seyong and set my phone on silent so they could hear me but i couldn't hear them.

I turned seeing the house they were going to and my body boiled, out old hide our where they killed our members and took our money, "HEY!" I turned seeing two men and knew I was in trouble "Ah me?" I asked and they nodded, "Who are you and why are you here huh?" They asked poking my chest which was a huge pet peeve of mine "Answer us" they guy said poking me again, I let out a sigh and backed up.

I turned seeing the house they were going to and my body boiled, out old hide our where they killed our members and took our money, "HEY!" I turned seeing two men and knew I was in trouble "Ah me?" I asked and they nodded, "Who are you and why are...

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"Yah punk!" the guys yelled "Ahh you really are annoying" I growled i kicked the one guys in the stomach knocking him to the ground, and spun kicked the other guy to the ground, "poke me again hmm" I growled snapping both their necks and walked away. I walked back into town and saw the guys all sitting at the picnic bench and sat beside them "Why did you do that?" Jinhong asked and i shrugged my shoulders "Aish my shoes" I pouted seeing them collect dirt. 

Jeunguk pov

I hated teaming up with MyName they did things their way rather than figure out a solution together, Gunwoo could have blown cover if there were others around he just got himself lucky. 

Sunny pov

I got into the building and saw Jongup in there and piles of money going inside a Vult which i quickly took a picture of sending to JunQ, "Huh Sunny you look like shit I don't know why but this makes me happy" Jongup laughed "She claims that since she's been back they have beaten her, blaming her for Jr's Death and for Kisu's betrayal so she came to you for protection" "Done, but you are to stay by my side 24/7" Jongup said which made me smile, I was in.

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