🌻What They Like About You

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Enjoys the fact that you can wear anything and not look totally horrible. If you were the throw on a trash bag, he'd still think it'd looks great on you.

He can spot an attitude a mile away. You give so many hints that you're about to blow, he already has popcorn ready.

How smart you are. Sure, Cisco, Barry, and Dr. Wells can be geniuses. But she loves you. So, it's sorta different for her. ❤️

Everything. Ever since his ex died in that car accident, he can't get rid of the fact that he doesn't want to let you go. He chose you for a reason. You make him happy, and he doesn't want to lose that.

You just being yourself.
The way you read Fan-Fics but truly only have eyes for her, or the way you don't care what other people think.

How competitive you are. To every body.
He loves it so much.

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