Chapter Four

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The Test

Chapter Four

"Brittney, give me the dang hairbrush." I said, trying to grab it from her again.

It's been three days since we got here. We're slowly building places to sleep with the materials given to us and we're eating vegetables and fruits for every meal. The materials included shovels, blankets and pillows, buckets, baskets, cut wood with instructions to build small shacks and of course the clothes and shoes. There was even one small room, made from wood, with a large bowl type seat inside. If you haven't guessed it yet, it was a bathroom. Looks like they really did give us everything we needed.

But that's not important right now. I was angry. Nothing was going to stop me from winning this fight. When Jack told the girls about the clothes, they swarmed, taking until there was nothing left, only to find at the bottom three hairbrushes. Girls grabbed for those too, taking them before others even knew they were there. One of those girls was Brittney.

"No. It's mine. There are two others, go bother someone else, Lindsay." She said still holding the brush hostage.

"One, my name is Lexi, not Lindsay. Two, there's already a huge line waiting for a chance to use the other brushes. That one is not just yours." I shouted, pointing at the brush in her hands.

"Yes it is, I got to it first. It's mine." she whined.

"Do you see this?" I pointed to my own hair, knotted up every which way from the three days of no grooming. "If I go any longer without brushing this nest i'm going to attract birds."

"I think it's a good look for you. It takes attention away from your face." That stung. Sure, Brittney was pretty. With her brown hair that flowed down to her shoulders and her popping blue eyes. Even the guys got distracted by her on a regular basis. But even with that being so, that did not mean she had the right to insult me.

I was furious. I yelled at her. "I swear if you don't give me that freaking brush, i'll rip your head off and feed it to the-"

"Hey, what's going on over here?" Someone asked, cutting off my threat.

Me and Brittney both looked to see who it was.

Jack. Of course it was Jack. Who else would it be?

"Is there a problem here?" He asked trying to sound concerned but I could see a smile trying to break across his face. I guess he found this amusing.

"She won't give me that hairbrush." I said still angry.

"And that's a problem, why?" He asked, still clearly amused. 

"Look, I get it. You're a guy. No need for the brush, right? Well I, a girl, who happens to have long hair that is currently in a huge bunched up knot, am in need of a brush. Since we do have them, I would like to use one before my hair gets worse." I fumed. Besides, I deserved it, didn't I? I've been working my butt off trying to do things that will benefit everyone while Brittney has been excelling in flirting with every guy who's walked on these freaking dream grounds.

The Test [Book One of The Test] (Watty Award Winner 2014)Where stories live. Discover now