Chapter 3| Back talk and Detention

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"Miss, Peterson! Put your phone down! We are in class!" Mrs. Lake yells at me.

"But Mrs. L. I am reading and we are in reading so, I'm doing what I'm supposed too and everyone else isn't. So really you can't yell at me." I say. And I wasn't lying! I was reading, ok it might be Heartland fan fiction but still! I was reading!

"Whatever." She says and goes back to the lesson. You see, me and all the teachers have a love-hate relationship. They hate me, and I love annoying them. Soon, the bell rings and I put my phone in my pocket before grabbing my books and leaving.

"Hey, sweetheart!" A voice says from behind me. I spin on my heels to see Ashton.

"What do you want, Batman?" I ask.

"I want you to sit with me and the guys at lunch today." He says throwing his arm around my shoulders as we walk. People are staring but being a girl that rides a motorcycle to school everyday and is never seen without her leather jacket, you get used to the stares.

"Yeah, no." I say shaking my head.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because there will be people there and I don't like people." I say.

"Ugh! You have to hang out with me sometime!" He says.

"You see I would but I really don't want to." I say.

"Whatever, go be a loner." He says.

"I'm not a complete loner! I have a friend." I say matter of factly.

"You need more than just one friend." He says.

"No I don't." I say.

"Whatever. Bye, sweetheart." He says and walks toward the cafeteria.

"Bye, Batman!" I say and walk toward the doors leading outside. I get outside and walk toward 'my' tree. And by 'my tree' I mean the tree I sit at everyday for lunch. Kendall sits with me some days but she does have other friends. And before you go saying she is a fake friend. She isn't, I've been invited to sit with them multiple times but they are girly girls. Not that girly girls are bad but the ones at my school are annoying and they only talk about boys. So, yeah.

Anyway, I sit down and plug my earbuds into my phone. I press play on Pandora and 'She's so Perfect' by 5 Seconds of Summer starts to play. I mumble the lyrics for a few seconds before it starts to rain. I groan but decide I should go into the cafeteria before it starts pouring. I get up and walk into the school. I forgot to bring my lunch today and I refuse to eat the schools food because let's be honest, I don't think the food actually is what they say it is. I walk into the cafeteria and walk towards the table Kendall is sitting at.

"Hey, Ken." I say sitting next to her.

"Hey, Gabs! What are you doing in here?" She asks.

"WAIT! Y-you're Gabriella Peterson, right?" One of the girls, I think Annabel asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"You live with Ashton Bateman, right?" She asks and I mentally groan.

"Yeah." I say closing my eyes and resting my elbows on the table.

"No, elbows on the table, sweetheart." A voice that I know is Ashton says from behind me. The whole table except me and Kendall start screaming.

"You! You told people!" I yell at him opening my eyes and standing up.

"No, I told only told the guys. And they might have told the rest of the school." He says the last sentence quietly.

"I hate them and you." I say.

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