Chapter 9| My Girlfriend? Maybe?

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Unedited!!!! There will be the date in this chapter and then a time jump. It is possible that there will only be 10 chapters plus the epilogue in this book. I'm absolutely horrible and I know that. I'm SO SO SO SO SO sorry about that. I love all of you and you are amazing. Enjoy!!!


•Gabi's POV• (ok so it was funny writing that right there bc I'm listening to a High School Musical song right now)

We get to where we are going and I see that it's a restaurant. It's not super fancy but I can see why Ash told me to dress up. Ash jumps out of the car before I do and runs to my door and opens it.

"Mi Lady." He opens the door and bows holding his hand out for me.

"Why thank you, kind sir." I say and get out of the car. I grab his hand and we walk into the restaurant. The lights are dimmed and everyone here is in dresses or suits. Ash and I walk up to a lady in a uniform and she escorts us to a table. Ash thanks her. She nods before walking away.

We order and eat, making light conversation while doing so before Ash pays, much to my dismay, and we leave. Ash opens the door of the restaurant for me and my car door. He's sweeter than he seems. We go to the movies next. I don't even know what movie we watched because Ash and I made fun of it the whole time.

"Excuse me." A man in a uniform come up to us with a flashlight. "I'm very sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We've been getting complaints."

"We're very sorry too." Ash starts. "We are sorry your movie theater sucks!"

"Move it, Batman." I push Ash out of the row, he trips over the leg of a chair and falls face first on the ground.

"I'm good. S'all good." He says getting up and brushing fake dust off his shirt.

"You're a dork." I shake my head at him. He grabs my hand and we leave. As we walk out I hear clapping.

"They're clapping that we're leaving." Ash says.

"Mhm." I hum. We go out to the parking lot and are about to get in the car, when we hear:

"Ash! Is that you?" A female voice says from behind us. Ash and I both spin around. Standing there is a girl in a short blue dress and white heels. She has black hair and grey eyes.

"Layla, hey." Ash says.

"Oh! And who might you be?" She asks looking at me.

I'm about to answer but Ash replies before I can. "Layla, this is Gabi. Sweetheart, this is my ex girlfriend Layla."

"Are you guys friends?" She asks.

Again, Ash replies before I can, "This is my, girlfriend? Maybe?" He says tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Sure. Let's go with that." I say.

"Well, it was nice seeing you, Ash. And nice meeting you Gabriella." She waves and slips away.


Who's just that happy?

"You didn't tell her my real name." I tell Ash.

"I know." He says. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know she'd be here. We dated years ago."

"Batman. It's fine. You didn't know she'd be here. I understand." I assure him.

"Oh and will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"I guess." I say. His eyes brighten and then,

He kisses me.
Hey! The next chapter will be the last. Most likely, I'm not completely sure.

See ya suckers!!

Love ya!

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