Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Chapter 1:

Madison groans softly while rubbing the back of her neck, she had finally finished cleaning the living room of the Bagge's home! She could've sworn she heard the little pink dog giggling but brushed it off as she was just exhausted. "Ah, Maddie dear you must be exhausted, you should sit down for a bit!" Maddie turns her head to see Muriel holding a tray of lemonade.

Maddie smiled shyly. "Thank you, Mrs. Bagge! But you didn't have to go through so much trouble." Muriel laughed, she always saw Maddie as if she was her own daughter; it gave Maddie a little leeway in taking a breather now and then. Eustace, however. "She's right Muriel! The last thing we need is for you babying her and for her to slack off!" He grumbled, sitting in his red chair. "Nonsense, Eustace! The poor girl should take a break, she shouldn't tire herself out." Muriel replied calmly.

Before Maddie had a chance to intervene, the phone in the kitchen started to ring. Muriel sets the tray down on the table and went to answer it, with Courage following her; a few awkward minutes passed by as Maddie sat down, not giving thought about who was on the other end, talking to Muriel. That changed the moment she heard Courage running to her and jumping onto her lap, cowering in fear. She pats his head. "W-What's the matter, little guy?!" She asked worriedly.

All Courage did was curl into a ball and whimpered into her lap. Muriel came out of the kitchen with her usual smile, unaware of her dog's little freak out. "Mrs. Bagge, what's going on?" Maddie asked. "Oh! My dear nephew is coming over for a visit today; it would be lovely if you two meet each other!" She giggled. As she sat down in her rocking chair, Maddie smiled, but nervously asked. "M-Mrs. Bagge! You're not trying to set me up with your nephew, are you?" Eustace interjects. "That freak is not stepping one foot into this house!"

Something clicked in Maddie's mind which caused the corner of her mouth to twitch. She turns to look at the old man, intrigued in hearing more about this nephew of theirs. "F-Freak?" She said softly.

"Yeah! The freak's a barber, a freaky barber, with his own freaky barber shop, where freaky things happ-" His rant was interrupted by a smack on the head from Muriel, who was brandishing a rolling pin. Maddie looks at the couple in shock. "Where in the hell she come from!" She thought. Muriel scolds her husband. "Now that's enough, Eustace! He's a nice boy and can stay as long as he needs!" She looks at Maddie. "Maddie dear, let's fix up the guest room! He'll be here in a few hours!" Maddie giggles and place Courage on the floor, she hops up, excitedly. "Sure thing, Mrs. Bagge!"


After a few hours of fixing the room and occasionally calming Courage down, Muriel and Maddie hear a knock on the door. "Oh, there he is! Come along Maddie!" Muriel cheerfully said as she starts heading downstairs, Maddie follows right behind her. Once they got to the door, Maddie was too busy prying Courage off her leg; it almost as if he was warning her about something. She immediately stops when Muriel opens the door to greet her nephew. Maddie's eyes were fixated on the man, as if hypnotized by him.

"Fred dear! How lovely it is to see you again!" Muriel said cheerfully, she then tugs on Maddie's hand and pulled her over to meet the taller male. "Fred! This is Madison, the young lady I told you about!" She said.

Maddie smile shyly at Fred as she puts her hand out to shake his. "Hi, Fred! It's good to finally meet you!" Fred grabs her hand and kissed it gently. "Hello, dear Madison. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He replied cheerfully, but with a hit of eeriness. Maddie giggled, not bothered by how creepy he's being. Courage, however, ran to the kitchen and hid under the table. Maddie shakes her head and sighs, still trying to figure out why he was so bothered by the man.

*EROTICA* Who's the Freak now? Freaky FredXOCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin