A Surprise

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It was the day. Soon there would be official city carriages in 'poverty town' to take the girls to the city for the 'annual choosing'. All the girls were dressing up and doing their hair. Yamaguchi was forced into an uncomfortably fancy blue dress with white and gold parts. There wasn't much Yachi and Shimizu could do with his hair, but they said it looked cute down, not that Yamaguchi cared. Once looking in the mirror, Yamaguchi glared at his reflection, since he did in fact look just like a girl.

Soon the carriages had arrived and they rang bells as a signal for the girl to come out and get onto a carriage. Yamaguchi reluctantly left Shimizu's house and went out onto the street with all the other girls. He was probably the tallest there. As he walked by the town boys he heard them talking. "Who's that tall girl? She's kinda cute." said one of the biggest bullies. "I dunno, she mustn't be from here or we'd recognize her." said his sidekick. Yamaguchi dared not to look at them, since they might recognize him face on.

He and around 20 other girls fit into one carriage, and were escorted straight to the nearest big city. Once they got there, there we countless other young girls waiting outside a massive fancy ballroom building. He and all the other girls were informed to wait with them. Yamaguchi felt at ease, soon this would all be over, he'd go home, he'd have the money, he would see his beloved mother again. And most importantly he would be able to take the dress off.

Soon, six butler dressed men exited the fancy ballroom building and stood out in front of the large crowd. "Attention!" yelled one of the butlers, a shorter male with a bob cut, dark brown at the roots and blonde at the tips. All the girls hushed. "I am Kenma and this is Yamamoto, we are butlers to one of the three of the wife seeking sir's, Sir Kuroo." he announced. Another two butlers stepped forward. "I am Yutaro and this is Yahaba, we are butlers to Sir Oikawa." announced a tall, turnip headed man. Small squeals came from the crowd, girls seemed to like Sir Oikawa. Yamaguchi had heard of the Oikawa family, but they seemed rather pompous. Finally the last two butlers stepped forward, and the shorter one spoke. "I'm Hinata and this is Kageyama, we are butlers to Sir Tsukishima." Yachi grabbed Shimizu's arm and Yamaguchi heard her say: "Tsukishima!? I had no idea someone from the Tsukishima family was going to be here!" she squealed. Yamaguchi didn't blame her, the Tsukishima family was extremely famous because they owned just about every business ever.

The butler Kenma stepped forward again. "We are here for the rules. You will address the suitors by Sir Kuroo, Sir Oikawa and Sir Tsukishima. You will not approach any of them, you are only to let them gaze upon you and approach you. Act civilised or you will be immediately thrown out. Do not speak without permission or unless being asked a direct question. Do not touch the Sir's. Food will be provided for you inside, that is all." he took a step back and Hinata spoke again. "We will now give a quick inspection."

The six butlers began to walk around the crowd, skimming over the girls they went by. Kageyama passed Yamaguchi, but he stopped and glared directly at him. Yamaguchi froze with fear, but Kageyama simply moved on. "Do you think he knows?" asked Yachi. "No. Yamaguchi looks like more of a girl than some others here." stated Shimizu. Gee thanks, thought Yamaguchi pitifully. "Ok, you may now enter in a civilised manner." announced Kenma. The large doors opened to reveal a beautiful ballroom with a massive chandelier, and girls piled in. The butler's went to the stage, where their masters each sat at their own thrown looking chairs. Sir Tsukishima caught Yamaguchi's eye. He looked tall, slim with nice slender hands. He had the famous blonde Tsukishima hair and wore a pair of thick black glasses. He looked amazing. Yamaguchi stopped in his thoughts, no, he was here for the money and nothing else. He had to stop thinking like a girl. His butler Kageyama was whispering into his ear while he glared over all the girls.

"Well!" smirked Sir Oikawa, getting out of his seat and joining the crowd. "Let's get to know you beautiful ladies." he winked at a group of girls, making all the girls around him blush and giggle. Sir Kuroo reluctantly got out of his seat and begun to question some of the girls in the crowd, about their hobbies and what they were good at. Yamaguchi felt grateful he was at the back of the crowd of fancy girls, furthest from the sir's. Soon enough Sir Kuroo had picked a girl, someone who was a great cooker, cleaner, cloth maker and could take care of children. She looked extremely flustered to be picked. Than Sir Oikawa picked a girl, and extreme beauty with long black hair, large breasts, and long legs. She looked like she knew she was going to be picked from the beginning.     

Yamaguchi felt so happy. As soon as Sir Tsukishima picked a girl, he would get paid and he would go home! But Sir Tsukishima hadn't even left his seat yet, he was still talking with his butler Kageyama. "Hey! Kei! Hurry up and pick a fiancee, we haven't got all day!" yelled Sir Oikawa, taking his seat with his chosen girl standing by his side. Sir Tsukishima was wearing a tight white tux with a red tie, which suited him. He glared at Sir Oikawa, than finally stood. He got down to the crowd and hastily pushed through all the girls until he made it to the back. Everyone was looking at him. This was each of the girl's last chance to get picked. Sir Tsukishima was skimming across the girls, as if he already knew who he was looking for. His eyes stopped when he saw Yamaguchi's tall head poking above the others.

"You." He said emotionless, pointing directly at Yamaguchi.

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