Can you Dance?

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Yamaguchi awoke to a ray of sunshine flushing in his eyes. He fluttered his eyes open and forgot where he was for a second, but quickly remembered by the softness of the massive bed. He yawned, and rolled over to his side, only to be confronted by Tsukki's sleeping face where their noses where touching. "ARK!" Yamaguchi quickly jumped off the bed and fell onto the floor with a loud thud. Tsukki's handsome so close to his was something he wasn't prepared for.

Suddenly Hinata and Kageyama came through the door, both holding trays. "Morning Yama! Breakfast is ready!" smiled Hinata. "I see Tsukishima isn't up yet." commented Kageyama. Hinata bent down to Yamaguchi who was still on the floor and put down the stray to begin pouring his tea. Yamaguchi quickly sat up straight and Hinata winked at him. "How was last night?" he asked with a smirk. Yamaguchi tilted his head in confusion. Hinata signalled towards Tsukki and then back at him, and winked again. Yamaguchi suddenly got an idea at what he was hinting to. "NO! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" screamed Yamaguchi in shock. Kageyama, who was currently pouring Tsukishima's tea, and Tsukki both looked down at him. "U-um..." Tsukki just rolled his eyes. "Kageyama, you know I don't like green tea." he said turning to his butler. Hinata continued preparing Yamaguchi's breakfast.

After they were both done Hinata and Kageyama took the empty trays to the door. "Ok, today you don't have anything planned except you're mother will be coming to plan the ball for your engagement party. She will wish to plan it with the both of you so I suggest getting a new casual dress for Yamaguchi?" asked Kageyama. "Yes. Get that organised. Until she comes we will be practising dancing in the hall." Ordered Tsukki. Hinata and Kageyama bowed. "Yes sir." they said in unison. "Byyye!" Waved Hinata politely to Yamaguchi before leaving.

The two finished their breakfast in silence before Tsukki took Yamaguchi to a grand hall in the middle of the house. Once all the massive curtains were pushed back the room looked way too big for just two people. It looked empty and abandoned. "We'll need some light music..." grumbled Tsukishima. He rung a bell attached to the wall and an elder maid came running. "Play the piano for us. The usual." he ordered. She did as she was told and begun playing.

"So." said Tsukishima, approaching Yamaguchi, with the nice sounding piano playing lightly. "You know the beginning pose right?" he asked. "N-no..." stuttered Yamaguchi half expecting to be hit in the face. Tsukki groaned. "Right, of course you don't. You're from 'poverty town'..." he mumbled. "Ok, so we hold hands..." Tsukki forcefully grabbed Yamaguchi's hand. "And you put your free hand on my shoulder...." Yamaguchi did as he was told. "Than I put my free hand on your waist." and he did just that. Tsukki and Yamaguchi's eyes locked and they both stopped for a moment, Tsukki even blushed a little. "U-um, right. Than we just move our feet like a box." said Tsukki avoiding his eyes. Was he just flustered? Well that was a first. Yamaguchi couldn't concentrate on the steps though, we was too nervous.

About half an hour later and they almost mastered it. "Aaaand, one, two three. You did it!" congratulated Tsukki. But than something strange happened, he smiled. A genuine, proud, radiant smile. Yamaguchi blushed and smiled back. "Thanks to your teaching." Than suddenly the old maid changed songs. This new song was fast paced and much louder. Tsukki almost let go of Yamaguchi to tell her they were done, but Yamaguchi somehow gained a little confidence (probably from seeing Tsukki's amazing smile). He gripped onto Tsukki tighter and led him into his own dance he was making up on the spot, a dance that was faster and full of spins, one that matched the with the new song. "Woah!" squealed Tsukki at first, but after seeing Yamaguchi laughing he giggled and joined in with this new dance.  

The were all over the place and being as silly as possible, but they were both having a fun time. They somehow felt relaxed to be with each other and were enjoying themselves. As the song was coming to an end Yamaguchi twirled Tsukki unexpectedly and then romantically dipped him. Their eyes met again and once the music stopped they both burst into laughter, not letting go of one another.

"You look really hot." said Yamaguchi, still dipping him. "Really?" blushed Tsukki. "Yeah, you're all sweaty." Tsukki and Yamaguchi laughed at Yamaguchi's lame joke. "LOOK KAGEYAMA!" screamed Hinata from the other end of the hall. Yamaguchi immediately dropped his fiance. "Ouch..." grumbled Tsukki rubbing the back of his head as Hinata and Kageyama approached them. "You two are getting alooong!" smiled Hinata with sparkles in his eyes. Tsukki got up and groaned. "What's that?" he asked, pointing to the large box in Kageyama's hands. "Yamaguchi's new dress. We went into town to get it." he informed. Tsukki parsed the box to Yamaguchi. "Go freshen up and put it on." Yamaguchi sighed, he had returned to his old boring self. The Tsukki he had just danced with was someone he could actually consider marrying. Yamaguchi went towards the door. "Oh, and Yamaguchi." he said. Yamaguchi turned. "Thanks. I haven't had that much fun in years." he said, a blush rising to his face and avoiding his eyes. It was at that moment Yamaguchi realised Tsukki wasn't trying to be cold when he acted, well, cold, it was just him. Yamaguchi blushed. "Any time." he smiled, before leaving.

"But you actually like him right?" winked Hinata enthusiastically. Tsukki rolled his eyes. But the conversation was cut short once Yamaguchi stepped out in his simple pink dress. Everyone stared. "You look pretty!!" squealed Hinata. Yamaguchi was feeling sick again, he HATED wearing dresses. But there was a knock at the door. "She's here already." said Kageyama. "C'mon." Kageyama grabbed Hinata by the collar and pulled him out of the room. Tsukki looked awkwardly at Yamaguchi. "W-what?" stuttered Yamaguchi, blushing. "Let's go." he stuck out his elbow, signalling for Yamaguchi to link arms with him. "Ok, Tsukki..." the two sheepishly answered the door to be greeted by Mrs Tsukishima herself.

"It's nice to see you again Tashi." she said, letting herself in and walking off. Tsukki and Yamaguchi followed her. "And you too." Yamaguchi said, feeling under extreme pressure. Mrs Tsukishima didn't seem too keen on him being there. The group went into a nice shady room and took seat on the couches. She took the single couch and Yamaguchi and Tsukki sat closely together on the double couch, trying to act like a couple. As his mother spoke about quests, decorations and location, Tsukki placed a hand on Yamaguchi's knee. It was nice, he tried his best to act like it was nothing, but Yamaguchi really did like getting attention from Tsukki.  

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