Tsukishima Kei

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My name is Kei Tsukishima. My family is basically royalty, so I guess that makes me some sort of prince. Not that I want to be. It's annoying, rules, rules and more rules. 'Don't dishonour the family name' is what I have been told ever since I could walk. No one really cares about me, personally, they only care about my last name. Until I met him.

I was forced to choose a wife at one of those 'annual choosing' things, which I was way more than reluctant to do. But after I discovered there was a boy hidden amongst the crowd I quickly chose him. He was adorable. The first thing I noticed were his freckles. For some reason after I saw them I couldn't picture loving someone without freckles, they just seemed so perfect. And oh boy was this guy cute. He was weak in nature and had a feminine touch to his features, and acted like a shy school girl. One hundred percent adorableness. After a while we got to know one another and I found out he was actually quite charming. He could be daring when he wanted to be, was quite a flirt, and had the best smile. He really made me happy, and I realised I was beginning to care for his happiness. I wanted him to feel good about himself, I wanted him to smile. I had fallen for him. He was truly something special.

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