The Tsukishima Mansion

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Yamaguchi froze. "He meant someone else... He meant someone else..." Yamaguchi told himself hopefully, as his heart beat went at fifty miles per hour. Sir Tsukishima turned his muscular body and walked right up to Yamaguchi, than grabbed his hand. "Let's go." he ordered coldly. Yamaguchi was in utter disbelief. He was dreaming, this was a horribly bad dream. He spun his head around to Yachi and Shimizu, who were both in disbelief as well. "Let's go." he repeated, forcefully gripping Yamaguchi's hand tighter. Yachi spoke quickly as Sir Tsukishima pulled Yamaguchi away. "We'll take care of your mother! Don't worry about her!" Yamaguchi's heart didn't calm down and he wasn't functioning, so he didn't quite take in what was happening to him.

Sir Tsukishima took his seat and Yamaguchi did his best to stand up next to him. Thank god his legs were covered by his massive dress, because they were currently shaking like jelly. "You will now be escorted home and will be paid outside the doors. Please make your way outside the building." ordered the butler Kenma. The girls started to quickly exit the building, and soon it was just the three Sir's, their butlers and chosen wives. Yamaguchi wanted to die. "Kei, why her?" asked Sir Oikawa, getting out of his seat. Sir Tsukishima glared at him and answered in an un-amused voice: "She's cute." Sir Oikawa raised an eyebrow at him. "You have a weird idea of cute. Anyway, later losers, I gotta introduce..." he turned to his fiancee "Aoi." she answered. "Aoi to the family. They'll be quite pleased." Sir Oikawa put his arm around her, and walked off with his butlers following.

Sir Tsukishima got up, ignoring Yamaguchi and walking over to Kageyama and Hinata. "Is my carriage ready?" he asked. "YES!" cheered Hinata, to which Kageyama scolded him, but Sir Tsukishima couldn't care less. He walked out of the building. "This way." informed Hinata to Yamaguchi. But Yamaguchi couldn't move. "Are you ok?" asked Hinata. Yamaguchi did something he regretted, by regurgitating onto Hinata's tuxedo. "ARRR! Sorry, sorry, i'm so so sorry!" Yamaguchi begun to bow repeatedly to the small man. "It's fine, just follow Sir Tsukishima onto the carriage please." he reassured. Yamaguchi bowed to him a final time before reluctantly exiting the building, to find a large carriage with four white horses waiting for him. The carriage had the Tsukishima emblem on it, a white crescent moon.

"Don't keep Sir Tsukishima waiting." Ordered Kageyama from behind Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi jumped in surprise of the sudden presence from behind him, and slowly entered the carriage. There, on a comfy leather seat, was Sir Tsukishima, looking rather impatient. Yamaguchi quickly took the seat opposite to him, staring down at his embarrassing dress. Being this close to someone so famous was more than his poor heart could handle. He he suddenly realised something. What would happen to him when he found out he was a male!? Would he be beheaded?!

"What's your name?" asked Tsukishima, without looking at him and with the least bit of kindness. "Y-amaguchi..." Yamaguchi managed to croak out. Tsukishima clicked his tongue in annoyance. "First name." he ordered, still without looking at him. "Crap... he'll know i'm a male for sure now." thought Yamaguchi. Maybe if he jumped out of the carriage... "First. Name." hissed Tsukishima. "I'm... Tada...shi. Tadashi." Tsukishima finally turned to him. Yamaguchi stared at his beautifully symmetrical face for a slight second, before quickly turning back to looking at his dress. "Pathetic. For a man to act as a girl, to get a chance marry another man." he hissed. Yamaguchi quickly gained a slither of courage. "No! I did it for the money! My family is poor and my mother is ill!" he yelled, this time staring Tsukishima directly into his yellow eyes. Tsukishima clicked his tongue again and turned away.

"What are you going to do with me now?" asked Yamaguchi, feeling sick. "Will I be beheaded?" Tsukishima turned to him. "What? No. I chose you because you were male." he corrected. Yamaguchi literally jumped in his seat. "W-wh....h--?" was all he managed to say. Tsukishima sighed in annoyance. "Geez. My butler Kageyama noticed you were male, he has an extremely observant nature. He informed me and I chose you." he explained. Yamaguchi was still too confused. "W-why?" he asked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm a homosexual." Yamaguchi's heart stopped.

The carriage immediately came to a stop, and Tsukishima got up. "Tell no one you're male." he ordered coldly. He exited the carriage, and offered Yamaguchi a hand out. Yamaguchi reluctantly took his warm hand, feeling a blush rush to his face. Exiting the carriage, Yamaguchi saw they had made it to the Tsukishima mansion. He stared in awe, without noticing Tsukishima's parents approaching him. Kageyama and Hinata joined them.

"This is who you chose?" asked his mother. She looked just like Tsukishima, same hair and eyes, like the entire Tsukishima family. "Yes. She is cute and we get along swimmingly, don't we Tashi?" said Tsukishima, putting his arm around Yamaguchi's waist. Yamaguchi jolted up straight, trying to act natural. "Y-yes. I'm Tashi Yamaguchi, pleased to meet you." he bowed. "Very well, Kei, take her to your new room. You shall share the double room in the west wing." ordered his father, who also wore glasses. "Yes father." bowed Tsukishima, beginning to walk off, followed by Kageyama and Hinata. "Tashi," begun Tsukishima's father "I hope you bring us healthy children." Yamaguchi felt guilt quickly consume his heart, before both the parents went over to the carriage.

"So," giggled Hinata "I can't believe there was a male at the 'annual choosing'! Now Tsukishima won't have to marry a girl!" "Keep your voice down." ordered Tsukishima. The four of them were walking through the massive hallways up to the west wing, Yamaguchi still feeling sick. "But we'll have to keep it secret right?" asked Hinata. "Well that won't be too hard, indirect members of the Tsukishima family aren't often shown to the public." thought Kageyama. "Does that mean... I'll have to live the rest of my life hidden away in this mansion?" asked Yamaguchi shyly to Hinata and Kageyama. The two of them seemed more welcoming then Tsukishima, even though they were to be married. "Yeah, but you won't be alone, AND you'll get to live in luxury." said Hinata. "B-but, I'm a male, I can't have kids..." Yamaguchi whaled. "Well, we'll think of something after the two of you are married." "Here we are!"

Tsukishima pushed opened the large doors to reveal a huge bed room, with a view of the gardens and a massive double bed. Tsukishima turned to Hinata and Kageyama. "Go fetch Tadashi something to change into." he ordered. "Yes sir." and they both left. Tsukishima closed the doors and walked over to the bedside table, taking off his red tie. Yamaguchi stood stationary by the door. "What?" asked Tsukishima. "I...I can't do this..."
"Do what?"
"This. I need to go back to 'poverty town' to help my mother."
"You're from 'poverty town'? No wonder you act so pathetic."
"See, too shy to even speak back to me."
"Did you choose me only because I'm male? Do you actually plan on being nice to me?"
"No. I am way above you, I can treat you as I wish. Now go hang these in the cupboard over there."           
Tsukishima threw his white tuxedo jacket and tie at Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi picked them up and grumpily moved over to the cupboard.
"Just remember, I don't intend to treat you as my wife. We shall only act, because being a member of the Tsukishima family I was forced to get a wife. I must uphold the family name."
"Yes, Sir Tsukishima."
"Do you plan on calling me that for the rest of our lives?"
"No. Think of something shorter."

Hinata and Kageyama entered. "Here you go!" Hinata parsed Yamaguchi a white shirt and a pair of dark green trousers. "Thank god!" gleamed Yamaguchi, quickly grabbing the clothes. "U-um, would you undo my zip?" he asked Hinata. "Sure!" Hinata helped him slip out of his dress, so that he was in only his under trousers. Everyone in the room stared. "W-what?" he asked, a blush rushing to his face as he noticed Tsukishima's cold eyes on his body. "You're just so..." gaped Hinata. "Thin." finished Kageyama. Yamaguchi looked down at his own chest, his ribs were clearly showing, but everyone looked like this in 'poverty town'. Especially him.

"Go get him something to eat." Ordered Tsukishima sharply. "No, no, I'm not hungry..." hesitated Yamaguchi, but Kageyama and Hinata quickly left. "Put that shirt on now." Said Tsukishima, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes. He seemed more pissed than usual. Yamaguchi did as he was told and got dressed. Did Tsukishima get food for him because he felt sorry for him? Did he actually care under that cold attitude? Or was he just repelled by his appearance? Yamaguchi picked up his dress and hung it up in the cupboard.  

"Next week they'll be having ball for our engagement. Can you dance?" asked Tsukishima. "N-no."
"I'll begin teaching you tomorrow. Remain in this room and wait for the butlers. After you eat something they'll give you a tour of the house." Tsukishima headed for the door. "Wait! Where are you going?" asked Yamaguchi. "I have a meeting with my older brother, i'll be back tonight." and he left. Yamaguchi sat on the bed, still feeling extremely sick. His life had just completely changed, and not for the better. "Wait, there's only one bed!" screamed Yamaguchi. 

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