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Yamaguchi was getting used to the idea of being rich. He had been eating whatever he wanted all day, and everything tasted delicious. Kageyama and Hinata were showing him the millions upon millions of different rooms, and no one else was home except the elderly maids. But Kageyama and Hinata were above them, and ordered them not to reveal Yamaguchi's sex to anyone. So the afternoon was fun. Yamaguchi almost forgot that that morning he was sleeping on the floor next to his sick mother.

Soon enough the moon was showing. "You better head back to your room." said Kageyama. "Why?" asked Yamaguchi. "Because Tsukishima and his brother will be home soon." he explained. Yamaguchi sighed and headed towards the stairs, but then turned around. "Wait, there's only one bed in that room, do we have share?" he asked. "Yeah, what did you think?" laughed Hinata. Yamaguchi felt the cold feeling of pressure creep up his back, but then the sound of the front door opening echoed through the entire house. "Quickly!" whispered Hinata. Yamaguchi ran down the hall as he heard foot steps approaching the butlers from behind him.

He waited in the room for at least an hour before Tsukishima entered. Yamaguchi looked up into his yellow eyes, as he stared back into his black ones. Yamaguchi blushed. "You're still up?" asked Tsukishima, shutting the door behind himself. "Sorry, Tsukki, I didn't know what side of the bed you wanted." apologized Yamaguchi. Tsukishima paused. "Say that again." he ordered "I didn't know what side--" "No. What did you call me?" "Tsukki." Tsukishima had a slight blush on his face, as he walked over to the bed. "Sorry, It's just you told me to think of something shorter and..." Yamaguchi began to trail off. "It's fine. I like it." Tsukki's face was turned away from him as he said that, because he was concentrating on getting off his shoes. Yamaguchi had a feeling he might of been blushing, though.

"The left." said Tsukishima, walking into their bathroom which was attached to the bedroom. "What?" asked Yamaguchi. "Sleep on the left." he repeated, closing the bathroom door. Yamaguchi climbed under the covers and snuggled in. This bed was absolutely amazing! It was extremely soft and felt like he was in a million clouds, it was much better than what he was used to. He began to think, maybe Tsukki wasn't so bad, maybe he just didn't know how to treat people correctly.

Yamaguchi heard Tsukki walk out of the bathroom and climb into the bed with a thud. Having the weight of another person on the bed made things extremely awkward for Yamaguchi, there was a moment of long silence.

"After we get married, where do you want to go for the honeymoon?" Asked Tsukki out of the blue. Yamaguchi blushed more than he had that day. "Do we have to?" He asked, voice cracking.
"Than I want to go see my mother." Thought Yamaguchi. "In 'poverty town'?" questioned Tsukki. "Yes." Tsukki rolled over onto his side so that he was facing away from Yamaguchi. "Whatever." He answered.

"Tsukki, how did you know you were a homosexual?" Asked Yamaguchi boldly. "I always knew. Girls are ok sometimes, but I can't picture myself ever being romantically involved with one. The very thought just... I don't know. It's always been trouble in the past, I knew a day would come where i'd have to marry one though."
"Well, you must be happy."
"I am..."

Yamaguchi blushed. Tsukki was just the slightest bit nice. Yamaguchi knew if it were a room full of boys he would have not been picked, but at least Tsukki didn't have to marry a girl. Even though they weren't in love, this was better then that, right?

Tsukki rolled onto his other side so that he was facing Yamaguchi. "I don't know anything about you." He said. "Sorry." Stuttered Yamaguchi. "Well, tell me about yourself. Just keep talking till I fall asleep." Groaned Tsukki. "Um.... well, um. To be honest I've never really had any male friends, so it was nice hanging out with your butlers today." Said Yamaguchi. "Why not?" Asked Tsukki. Yamaguchi giggled in shame. "You really don't know? Just look at me." Tsukki and Yamaguchi's eyes met, Yamaguchi became flustered but managed to keep talking.

"I have a weak appearance, I suck at anything manly, I have this stupid haircut and these hideous freckles. It's a wonder I had friends at all..." sighed Yamaguchi. Suddenly Yamaguchi felt a warm hand rest itself on his cheek. He wanted to jump back but Tsukki was glaring right at him. "Hideous? Your freckles were the first thing I noticed. I can't picture you without them." Yawned Tsukki. He rolled over again, looking drowsy, and said quietly before falling asleep, "They are amazing..."

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