Declaration Of Love

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Akiteru stepped forward, and yelled out to Tsukki who was still on top of the horse, holding Yamaguchi. "What do you think you're doing!?" Tsukki frowned "What does it look like?" Now Mrs Tsukishima stood forward. "Stop this at once, go back inside!" she ordered. "So what? You can kill him?" hissed Tsukki, gripping onto Yamaguchi tighter. "It's for your own good! If you drop this now we'll buy you whatever wife you want in the entire land!" she yelled. "I DON'T WANT A WIFE! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!" screamed Tsukki, becoming dangerously enraged. "I told you to stop that years ago!" she informed. "You think I can stop it?! You think I can stop my emotions? You think I can stop being in love with Yamaguchi Tadashi?!"

Yamaguchi gripped onto Tsukki and tears began to form in his eyes. "Brother, once he's gone you'll forget about him, love doesn't need to control your life! All you need is to produce children for the family!" Pleaded Akiteru, looking deeply concerned for his younger brother's safety. "A life without love?" whispered Tsukki, tears forming as he chuckled lightly. "My family really is retarded." Tsukki looked down at his beloved. "Tadashi, I'm sorry I wasn't born in 'poverty town', like you. Than maybe we could of had a future together." Both men were in tears. "Tsukki..." hiccuped Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi pulled Tsukki in for a kiss, which was very wet due to the tears. Akiteru and Mrs Tsukishima were repulsed and immediately took a step back.

"You're so cute." whispered Tsukki. "Not as cute as you." giggled Yamaguchi. The two giggled while not taking their eyes off one another, both in tears. Mrs Tsukishima couldn't take it anymore. "Now!" she screamed. Yamaguchi's body suddenly tensed up and there was a loud bang from behind him. His pupils quickly became tiny and he slipped off the horse, falling back first onto the ground. Blood started to ooze out of his back. "TADASHI!" Screamed Tsukki, jumping off the horse.

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