The End

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Tsukki jumped off the horse. "TADASHI!" he screamed, leaning down above Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi looked up at him with a weak smile. "I'm glad I got to meet you." he said faintly. Tsukki's tears began to drop like a waterfall as he tried to hold back more of them. "It's not fair, we didn't get enough time." He managed to say. "Somewhere, in another time, we'll meet again." whispered Yamaguchi as he took Tsukki's hand. "And get married." added Tsukishima, trying to smile for his love. "We'll move to somewhere for just us, and get two cats. Let's call them Kageyama and Hinata." giggled Yamaguchi, as more blood covered the ground beneath him. Tsukki laughed through the tears. "Whatever you want, dear." he said, raising Yamaguchi's weak hand and kissing it. "I love you." whispered Yamaguchi, pulling Tsukki in for a final kiss. Than his body froze.

Tsukki pulled back to look down at his love's corpse. It wasn't Yamaguchi any more, it was a hollow shell. He felt his heart shatter as he gripped onto Yamaguchi's hand and bent over, resting his head on his chest. He started to cry violently. Than he felt a hand on his shoulder and something snapped. He looked up at his mother who was bending down to him. "It was for the best..." she whispered, rubbing his shoulder.

Tsukki's sorrow quickly turned into an overflow of anger. "NO IT WASN'T!" he jumped up and punched his mother in the face, and she fell to the ground. "KEI!" screamed Akiteru. Tsukki ran up to one of the guards and stole his gun. Akiteru gasped as Tsukki pointed it at his head. "WHAT ARE YOU--"  BANG.

Tsukki's body dropped to the dirt ground. 

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