He admitted it

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The next couple days were the best Yamaguchi had ever had. After their first dance practice, Tsukki seemed to be a lot more open to him and begun to treat him as an actual person. They were always laughing together and found each other very amusing. When they were split up, they felt completely alone even if they were surrounded by people. Even though they didn't realise it themselves, they were becoming extremely close.

Yamaguchi and Hinata walked down the empty hall talking. "So Yamaguchi, are you gay?" he asked. "What kind of question is that!!?" jumped Yamaguchi. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it, it's just... I was wondering if you are ok with marrying a boy, even if you have no choice." explained Hinata. Yamaguchi blushed slightly. "I, um. I don't think i'm gay... I've never liked a boy before. But I don't really think gender matters when it comes to love..." thought Yamaguchi. Hinata smiled. "Wow, I wish I was brave like you." he said. "What do you mean?" asked Yamaguchi. Hinata blushed a little and looked at the ground. "Well..."

"Oi! Hinata!" called Kageyama, as he and Tsukishima were walking up from behind them. Hinata and Yamaguchi turned. "We have to start preparing lunch, c'mon." ordered Kageyama sharply. Hinata happily followed him off. Yamaguchi turned to Tsukki with a smile. "What?" asked Tsukki, playfully raising an eyebrow. Yamaguchi laughed and took off Tsukki's black glasses, and placed them on himself. He could hardly see, so he quickly took them off. "H-hey, I can't see!" yelled Tsukki, waving his hands around. Yamaguchi took his hand and noticed Tsukki blush a little. "Here, i'll lead you somewhere." he laughed. "Where?" asked Tsukki. "Somewhere." answered Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi put Tsukki's glasses on to reveal a small room, filled with paintings. The paintings were abstract and colourful, something this era was not used to. (Painting were only used for portraits {and only rich people would afford them} in this time). Tsukki marvelled at the paintings. "Woah, how did you find this room?" he asked Yamaguchi. "When Hinata and Kageyama were showing me around when I first came here we came across it. I forgot about it until now." Explained Yamaguchi. They walked around the old dusty room, until they both came across a rather large painting under a white sheet. It was warm themed, with not particular shapes but lots of nice shading. It immediately calmed the two boys. "What this supposed to be anyway?" asked Tsukki bluntly. Yamaguchi noticed on the bottom of the frame there was a label which stated 'love'. "Tsukki, it's a feeling."
"What do you mean?"
"It's not supposed to be in a shape or form, it's a feeling."
"What feeling?"

Both boys stared at the painting for a little longer, until their eyes met and Tsukki became a little flustered. "So, the ball is tomorrow." he said awkwardly. "I know, we've been practising all week." laughed Yamaguchi. Tsukki rolled his eyes. "Do you want to invite your mother?" asked Tsukki. Yamaguchi froze. He had forgotten about his mother. How could he!? He was started to feel sick again. "Are you ok?" asked Tsukki. "I don't want to invite her, she can barely move." he answered flatly. "But--" "We'll see her after the wedding right? On our honeymoon, so it doesn't matter if she comes." stated Yamaguchi, turning to leave the room. "But I would like my friends Yachi and Shimizu to come." he said before opening the door. "Than i'll send them out formal invitations immediately." said Tsukki. Yamaguchi gave him a weak smile. "Thanks Tsukki."

That night Yamaguchi lay wide awake in bed as Tsukki slept. He couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow. He was scared, so many people were going to be judging him. And he felt extremely guilty about his mother. Thoughts kept dancing around in his mind until he could no longer lay down. As he sat up and pulled the warm blankets of his body, Tsukki grabbed him by the wrist. "Where are you going?" he asked coldly. Yamaguchi didn't answer. "Stay." he ordered. Yamaguchi got back into bed and with a blush turned to face Tsukki. There faces were pretty close, Yamaguchi could almost feel Tsukki's breath on his face. \

"Are you scared about tomorrow?" asked Tsukki coolly.
"How did you know?"
"To be honest, Yamaguchi..."
Tsukki looked away and waited for a bit.
"Don't make fun of me." he ordered
"I won't."
"Well, I'm... kind of scared too."
"Well, because... I.. I'm...."
Yamaguchi pushed back Tsukki's hair.
"You can tell me. Besides, we're kind of stuck together forever."
Tsukki smiled.
"It's just, I've always been... scared. I knew I was a homosexual at a young age, but my parents wouldn't have it. Ever since then, I've built up these walls and kept everyone at a distance. But you... you just came in and knocked them down so easily."
Yamaguchi blushed.
"I've never felt this free before, or loved for that matter. People fear me because of my authority, but you treat me like a person. Th-anks." blushed Tsukki.

Yamaguchi blushed, Tsukki had finally opened up to him. "Tsukki, can I tell you something?" asked Yamaguchi. "Anything." he answered. Yamaguchi's heart started to beat so loudly he could hear it in his throat. "I...arr, if you weren't a Tsukishima, I still wouldn't mind marrying you..." he managed to say. Tsukki didn't seem affected by what he said at all. Yamaguchi immediately regretted his words. "Nooooooo." he thought.



"I love you."

Yamaguchi was about to say the same to him, but Tsukki hugged him tightly. "Now sleep." he ordered. 

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