Everyone Knows

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"That's ok, Mrs Tsukishima...." gulped Yamaguchi, backing up against the wall. "Nonsense, it's quite large and would be impossible to get on single handedly." she said, approaching him. She knelt down and begun to pull his dress up, to which Yamaguchi pulled back down. "Seriously, I'm fine!" he shivered, starting to shake. But it was too late. Mrs Tsukishima quickly let go of his dress and eyed him. She looked ready to murder, but she pushed him aside and walked out the door. Yamaguchi feel to his knees. He was dead for sure. She knew now. He slid down against the wall and his entire body began to shake as he curled up into a ball. He suddenly felt weak and pathetic. This had happened to him once before, when he was getting beat up by his bullies long ago.

But suddenly he remembered his mother, he couldn't die without seeing her one last time. The thought gave him strength and he pulled himself out of his current weak state and walked over to the window. He opened it and looked down, not too far, he would jump. He climbed to the outside of the building and clinged onto the wall, readying to jump. "TADASHI!" he heard from behind him. He recognized Tsukki's voice and quickly looked back into the room with a smile, happy to know he was there. But the smile soon faded as he noticed Tsukki was accompanied by his angry parents and two guards. "Get him!" she screamed.

Yamaguchi met Tsukki's eyes. Time seemed to stop and it felt as if it was just the two of them. Tsukki had a deeply scared expression as he ran towards Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi's eyes filled with tears and he smiled. "Bye, Tsukki." he said, before jumping. The two guards missed him by a mili-second. Yamaguchi quickly remembered he had to escape if he wanted to see his mother again. Once he made it to the ground he tore the ends of his dress of and ran off into town. Not knowing where to go, he ducked under buildings and tried his best to make himself un-trackable.

After only 20 minutes of running however, he was found. A Tsukishima carriage pulled up infront of him and blocked him off from running away. Yamaguchi fell to the ground and started crying. He wanted Tsukki. He only wanted to see Tsukki. They hadn't even kissed yet. And now it was all going to be over. But at least Tsukki would be ok.

Hinata pushed open the door to the carriage and looked down at Yamaguchi. "QUICKLY! Get in!" he yelled. Yamaguchi noticed Kageyama in the front seat, and nodded. He jumped into the carriage and than it rode off. "How did you find me? What's going to happen now?" asked Yamaguchi, panting. "Well, when Mrs Tsukishima found out you were male she came screaming down the stairs, Tsukishima quickly realised what happened and sent us to go get a carriage to pick you up and get you out of there. But you ran away silly." Giggled Hinata. How would anyone be giggling at at time like this?! Yamaguchi guessed Hinata really was just a happy go lucky guy, innocent and not fussed about the worlds problems.

"But what's going to happen now?!" Questioned Yamaguchi. Hinata's smile faded a bit. "We are running away to an old abandoned mansion just outside the forbidden forest. Tsukishima used to stay there for holidays, but now it's more of a place for hobos. Tsukishima said he's going to meet us there as soon as possible and ran away with you." Yamaguchi froze. "B-but, his family...." "He would rather be with you."
"All his wealth..."
"Yamaguchi. He values you above all those things."

Yamaguchi didn't know whether to feel guilty or happy, so he just began crying again. They were tears of happiness, the happiness that someone would love him so much. But also tears of guilt, knowing that if Tsukki was to be with him he'd have to leave all his riches behind, and dishonour the family name. "Yamaguchi." Said Hinata, moving over and sitting next to him, putting an arm across his shoulders. "Don't feel completely guilty, he's doing this for us too." Hinata smiled. "What do you mean?" Asked Yamaguchi. "Well, you see..." Hinata began blushing like crazy. "Tsukki isn't the only homosexual." He explained.

Yamaguchi quickly realised. "So you and Kageyama...?" Hinata quickly nodded in embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Asked Yamaguchi, still surprised. "Coz it's embarrassing." Blushed Hinata. Yamaguchi couldn't picture Kageyama being affectionate, and the very thought made him laugh.

After an hour of riding at top speed they made it to the abandoned mansion. It was old and the wood was rotting, but as it began to rain the three ran inside. It was actually quiet homely once they ripped off some wood from the stairs and started a fire. They also found some hay for the horses. As Yamaguchi sat infront of the fire he noticed Hinata leaning on Kageyama, and immediately thought of how nice it would be to lean on Tsukkis shoulder infront of a fire. If only.

"So when did you two get together?" Asked Yamaguchi to Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata blushed and Kageyama looked like this was the hardest question he had ever been asked. "Um, well, about two years ago. We met at the school for young maids and butlers and became friends, but after a while we realised we needed to be more than friends, because we realised how much we were touching each other and how much we needed each other." Explained Kageyama with great difficulty. Yamaguchi smiled. "So are you both Homosexual?" He asked. "I've only ever liked Hinata." Said Kageyama. "And I like boys and girls!" Smiled Hinata. Than the two began talking, and Yamaguchi began to miss Tsukki.

"How long do we have to wait?" Asked Yamaguchi as his eyes became heavy. "At the longest, tomorrow morning sometime." Said Hinata. "Actually he might take longer, I suspect his family is very angry with him right now." Thought Kageyama. "I hope he's ok..." sighed Yamaguchi, feeling sick. He fell asleep on the ground a couple hours later, praying his love was ok.

Betrothed जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें