their favorite thing about your personality is...

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o Kenny McCormick – Your mischievous side. It doesn't come out often, but when it does, you're down to do any form of prank or other mischievous form of entertainment.

o Stan Marsh – Your endurance. You're willing to put up with a lot of his shit, even when Kyle and the guys had turned their back on him. He admires it about you so much.

o Kyle Broflovski – Your brave disposition. He always thought that you were one of the toughest people he knew, and not because of ridiculous amounts of muscles. You'd put others before yourself, making sure that they were safe, even at your own expense.

o Eric Cartman – Your forgiving nature. He does a lot of dumb things, and he's very rude, but you're always willing to love him through it and forgive him for everything, even when you shouldn't.

o Clyde Donavon – Your total 'dude' nature. Some of the guys are appalled at the fact that Clyde can casually talk about 'guy things' with you without any judgment, but you're always willing to listen, because it doesn't faze you at all.

o Craig Tucker – Your laziness. Craig's very lazy, and if he can get someone else to just lounge in bed with him, watching cartoons and munching on snacks all day, he'd be soooo happy.

o Token Black – Your hyperactivity. Whenever you're super excited, or have had too much coffee, he finds you exceptionally adorable and can't help the smile that's on his lips.

o Tweek Tweak – Your 'Mama-Bear' reactions. If someone is messing with him, or any of the guys, you'll completely smear them into nothing.

o Butters Stotch – Your sweetness. When he's feeling down, all he needs is a hug and an encouraging word from you and he's feeling completely better about whatever problem he's going through.

o Wendy Testaburger – Your feminist side. She believes in equality for all, and so do you! It marveled her when she learned of your views on many things, and she's always smitten when you speak up about a feminist cause in class.

o Bebe Stevens – Your fashion sense. You're exceptionally stylish, and she'll borrow some of your clothes from time to time.

o Jimmy Valmer – Your laugh. He'd tell you jokes all day if it'd make you laugh.

o Scott Malkinson – Your overly affection nature. You'll always give him hugs, encouragement, and even kisses – no matter who is around. Most would get embarrassed, but not Scott. He encourages it, honestly.

Up next: their favorite thing about your body is...

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