what you take of theirs

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o Kenny McCormick – His parka. He has multiples of it, so it's not such a big deal, but he'll pretend like it is whenever you ask for it. As soon as you put it on, though... He loves the way you look in it.

o Stan Marsh – His headphones. Stan likes to listen to music a lot, but you like music too, and will 'borrow' them without remembering to give them back.

o Kyle Broflovski – His Ushanka. You plopped it onto your head one day, laughing and joking as you pretended to be him. He rolled his eyes but let you were it, claiming that he 'couldn't take it back because it had girl cooties on it now'.

o Eric Cartman – His Cheesy Poofs. Or, any snack his mother makes him. The two of you will actually physically wrestle for the damn things, while his mother watches with 911 dialed, because she doesn't want another 'Donut Supreme' incident.

o Clyde Donovan - His bed! Whenever you come over to cuddle, it's magical how fast you kick him out of the bed while you're asleep and end up hogging the whole thing!

o Craig Tucker - His monotone voice. Granted, you only 'take' it when people are annoying you, but you get very bland with people very quickly. He thinks it's funny and only cheers you on. 

o Token Black – His mechanical pencils. He'll complain because he can never find the things, but will then notice you tapping one as you pay close attention to the teacher's lesson.

o Tweek Tweak - His SoT outfit. He thinks it's cute when you draw the markings on your skin to match his, and you two will scour the town in matching outfits, which everyone else thinks is super cool. 

o Butters Stotch - His chaotic minions! Yes, all of them. Hamsters, upon hamsters, upon hamsters are all over your room because you refuse to give them back. They're all well taken care of, but you just don't have the heart to let Butters use them to do evil.

o Wendy Testaburger - Her unicorn shirt. The one she wore when she whooped Cartman's ass? Yeah. She's proud of it, and she thinks you look good in it, so she willingly let you wear it, and it just... never came back. 

o Bebe Stevens – Her shoes. You both wear the same shoe size, and you admire the styles she has for shoes, so you'll borrow them at any time. Usually, she won't even notice they're on your feet until you strike a pose for her and she notices they look familiar.

o Jimmy Valmer – His really corny jokes. You'll tell them to your friends later, when he isn't around, and laugh harder than you did when he told you the joke the first time.

o Scott Malkinson – His lisp. It's horrible, but it's true. Whenever you guys are talking, and you get into a goofy mood, you'll start copying him- including his lisp. He'd get mad, but you look so cute with your tongue stuck out like that that he can't feel upset at all. 

Up next: when you're jealous

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