Sherlock Holmes search

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Yoongi pov.

We went to y/c. There we met Cyndi with her parents. We put our stuff at her parents' house. And then Cyndi brought us to the place where she found Yuna's phone. We also brought something from Yuna so the wolves could try to find her with the help of their nose. We didn't have much hope because a few days passed when she was here. The boys tried to find her but it didn't work.

Jungkook: "What else can we do to try find her?"

Cyndi: "Well I've met her childhood friend. Maybe she knows where Yuna could be."

Jin: "It's worth a try."

Yoongi: "And where is this childhood friend?"

Cyndi: "Well, she works in this coffee shop. I think she will be there now."

Jimin: "Then let's go there and find out if her friend knows something."

We all went there and Cyndi was right. She worked there.

Cyndi: "Um, hey!"

Cyndi pov.

Joey: "Hey! How are you? Where is Yuna?"

She said excited when she hugged me. I hugged her back.

Cyndi: "I'm ... fine. And Yuna... well that's why we're here."

I broke the hug and looked into her eyes. She looked quite confused.

Cyndi: "We need your help."

Yuna pov.

When I opened my eyes I saw that I wasn't in my room, or the hotel room. I was still here with Justin. Seriously what does this guy want from me?! Then I remembered how he caught me when I ran away. He is also a vampire. How come I didn't notice it back then when we were still friends? His men were the one who kidnapped me when I got out of the hospital. It's their fault that I couldn't see my mother before she died. Without that I noticed it a tear escaped my eyes. When the door opened I quickly wiped my tear away.

I thought that it was Justin but it was a girl.

Girl: "So you are the one?"
She said. What does she want from me?

Yuna: "I don't know what you mean."

I said.

Girl: "Don't act like you don't know. I don't know what Justin likes about you. You're nothing special and I am much better than you."

I just stared at her.

Girl: "I am going to say it just once. Justin belongs to me! Got it? And I will make sure he hates you."

Yuna: "Listen up girl! I don't know what the hell you are talking about! And you listen to me! I don't want to be here in first place. And I will get out from here and go home. I don't care what you or Justin or his men will do! Now get out!"

I said in anger. I am trying to find a way out of here and I am so angry that I can't do it. And then this girl comes up to me like she is the queen or something. Nah, not with me! I thought as she left my room. Obviously pissed off. After a while I got hungry. I remembered that I hadn't eaten since I was here. Then my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened and a man came in with a tray. Food! I tried to hide my happiness after seeing the food.

Man: "You must be hungry. Eat well."

The man said before he left the room. I quickly got of the bed and started eating. After I was done I tried to open the door but it was locked. I sighed and started to look for anything that could help me get out of here.

Cyndi pov.

Joey: "So Yuna is gone!?"

Cyndi: "Yes and we hoped that you can perhaps tell us where she could be. I mean you are her childhood friend, you know her better than anyone else."

She looked around trying to remember something. Then her eyes winded.

Joey: "I-I am not sure if this is important but before Yuna was kidnapped back then she ended her friendship with some guy who was involved with criminal stuff."

She paused for a moment before she continued.

Joey: "H-His name was Justin. He was a criminal before he met Yuna. After they became friends he told Yuna that he had stopped being a criminal but to be honest, I never believed that. Either did the others. Yuna always likes to see the good side of everyone. Even if not everybody has a good side. After Yuna found out that he was still involved with criminal stuff she was quite disappointed. I think she really thought that he had changed."

We all listened to what Joey was telling us about Yuna's past.

Joey: "She was somehow broken inside. After that she broke the friendship with him. She didn't even want contact with that guy anymore. Justin on the other hand didn't like that at all. He just didn't want to accept this. So he would always follow her and try to get her back. She always rejected him and that would make him mad every time. And ... and then..."

She looked down for a moment before she looked back at us.

Joey: "And then suddenly Yuna disappeared."

A tear fell down her cheeks. I felt bad for her.

Joey: "Sh-She was gone. Just like that. I always suspected Justin but the police never found something. It broke the heart of her mother to know that her daughter was kidnapped by someone. We-We waited for any sign of her. But it never came something."

She looked down and started to cry when she thought about the time back then. I didn't notice that my tears also escaped my eyes. After a while she looked back up.

Joey: "And then she suddenly came back! But it was to late. H-her mom died..."

Oh Yuna....

Joey: "Do you know what her last wish was? She wanted to see her daughter again..."

She looked at us with guilt in her eyes.

Joey: "Nobody could make her wish come true."

She looked out of the window.

Joey: "I-I n-never told Yuna that. Nobody did. It was already hard for her to forgive herself for not being there.... I-I just couldn't tell her that her mom's last wish was to see her face. She would've never stopped blaming herself."

She then looked back to us.

Joey: "Please, promise me to also not say a thing to her."

She said. I nodded. She just wants to protect Yuna and we will not hurt her, by telling her.

Yoongi: "Where is this Justin guy?"

He asked looking serious. I looked at him and could see pain in his eyes. He was also hurt knowing the truth. We all looked back at Joey.

Joey: "He lives ..."



I hope you liked this chapter and ....


Bye! ^-^

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