Chapter 8- Detention

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Hoseok sighed and started to tap his pen on his desk and look out the window trying to pass the time

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Hoseok sighed and started to tap his pen on his desk and look out the window trying to pass the time. Yoongi then gave him an annoyed glance which made him stop immediately. When the teacher got up and left the room without saying anything Yoongi immediately got up and sat beside Hoseok. He then got really close to Hoseok's face with a smirk.

Hoseok widened his eyes at the close proximity. So nervous that he couldn't look him in the eyes making Yoongi hold onto his chin and pull his face up making him look at him. 

When Hoseok looked at Yoongi, the first thing he noticed was the smirk on his face. He then started to look at all of his other features. His eyes couldn't leave his chapped lips which made the smirk grow.

When he sensed the movement in he others lips he immediately pulled away from the elders touch and turned to face the front. "It's so cute when you get this flustered baby-boy." Yoongi whispered into Hoseok's ear making him shiver slightly. 

He didn't say anything to the boy and kept his eyes on the board. It wasn't even what he was supposed to be doing, he was supposed to be reading but he couldn't move his body to pick up the book and read it. 

When Hoseok heard his teacher walk in again Yoongi simply moved over two seats and continued to stare at the flustered raven-haired boy. 

Yoongi was simply fascinated by the boy beside him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get him out of his head. He looked at the way he slowly moved to get his bag and he way his long fingers flicked through the thin pages of the book and how his eyes were simply skimming over the book and not truly reading the words on the page.

"Min Yoongi, did you move seats?" The teacher asked giving him a look with her raised, penciled in eyebrows. Yoongi simply shrugged before going back to his book which made the teacher roll her eyes and go back to her work. She then sighed and stood up. "I apologize for the continuous exits but I have to go and print something out for my next class so just stay in your seat and don't make any noise." And just like that she was gone again.

Yoongi did not waste the opportunity he had and began to pack up his things, catching Hoseok's attention in the process. "What are you doing?"

Yoongi smirked and gave him a look. "I am leaving. Are you coming?" Yoongi as if he had seven heads.

"Are you crazy? She will come back at any second!"aimed with wide eyes making Yoongi chuckle.

"The teacher will be out until the bell goes so we would be gone by the time she left anyway." Yoongi said swinging the bag over his shoulder. He gave Hoseok a look and then raised an eyebrow. "Are you coming baby boy?" 

Hoseok looked around the classroom one last time before sighing. He packed up all of his things and zipped the bag. There was a smirk evident on Yoongis face and Hoseok rolled his eyes. Yoongi grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the university before Hoseok could change his mind. 

Yoongi finally let go of Hoseok's hand when they were about five minutes away from campus to start heaving for a breath. Hoseok gave him a puzzled look. "Are you seriously tired?" He asked and he got widened eyes as a response.

"You aren't?!" He exclaimed and Hoseok smiled lightly. 

"I'm a dancer." He smirked. Yoongi smiled and nodded. 

They sat down on a footpath and watched all of the cars going through and people walking home from work and school. "I forgot to ask. What is your major?" Hoseok asked curiously.

Yoongi grinned. "Art."

Hoseok nodded and smiled. The more Hoseok looked at Yoongi. He really did look like an artist. He looked at Yoongi's hands and saw dried paint stuck to his fingertips and palms. For an second Hoseok wanted nothing more than to grab his hand and hold it. 

He shook the feeling off and stood up. "I have a lot of homework to get done and we have afternoon lessons so we should get going." Yoongi nodded and stood up and they began walking. 

"I never took you as such a rebel baby boy." Yoongi smirked and Hoseok blushed but looked away. Yoongi managed to catch a glimpse of his red face and he smiled to himself. 

The two of them were walking when Hoseok stopped in his tracks and stood wide-eyed looking across the street.

Yoongi stopped with him and gave him a questioning look. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hand out of fear and began running. 

Yoongi was shouting in protest but Hoseok was holding Yoongi's hand so tightly that he had no choice but to run. He then heard footsteps behind him and he slowly realized what was going on. 

He then sped up so he was in front of Hoseok and dragging him now. As soon as they lost the pair in the crowd Yoongi dragged Hoseok into an ally and they stayed against the wall. Hoseok closed his eyes but opened one and stood in fear as Chanyeol and another unfamiliar face walked straight past them. 

Yoongi looked out when they were out of sight and sighed. "Okay they're gone." Yoongi felt his hand shaking and he was confused since he wasn't scared and he then realized that it wasn't his hand, they were both still holding hands. 

Hoseok realized this and pulled his hand out of the grip and apologized. "Why is Chanyeol and Jongin after you?" Yoongi asked.

Jongin? So that was his name. Hoseok took a deep breath and sat down. "Chanyeol is out to get me." Hoseok said making Yoongi raise his eyebrows.

"Why?" Hoseok shrugged. 

"I used to go out with him." 

"Oh." Hoseok sighed and chuckled.

"Not that you didn't know that already." Yoongi shrugged and sat down beside him.

"You both made quite the scene yesterday." Hoseok rolled his eyes. 

"It was him. Not me."

"Even so, you both caught some attention." 

"Unwanted attention." He added. Yoongi then stood up and dragged Hoseok with him and they walked back to the dorms hand-in-hand not saying anything about it. 

In fact they didn't talk about anything.

leaving them in a comfortable silence that they both enjoyed.



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