Chapter 11- Honorifics

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"Why is he so nice and understanding?" Hoseok groaned and sank further into the sofa

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"Why is he so nice and understanding?" Hoseok groaned and sank further into the sofa. Jungkook chuckled and sat Hoseoks mug on the coffee table in front of him and sat down and took a sip of his own. 

"He seems really nice hyung. Why don't you give him a chance?" Jungkook sat beside him and stroked Hoseoks hair as a sign of comfort and smiled at him.Over the past few weeks their friendship has gotten stronger and Hoseok definitely sees Jungkook right up there with Taehyung as one of his closest friends.

Hoseok sighed. "I would like to Jungkook, I really would, but unfortunately my trust issues leave me very wary to believe that he is actually as nice as he seems." 

Jungkook nodded in understanding and looked at the t.v. in front of him. "Well, then maybe you should try and get to know him better. So you can know for sure if this is all an act." He suggested.

"I was intending to do that." He said and sighed before getting up. "Come on. We are meeting up with Jimin for dance practice."


After dance practice Jimin and Jungkook were against the mirror and making out not even taking notice of Hoseok who was still tying his shoelaces. 

Jungkook had Jimin firmly pressed against the mirror and Jimin's legs were wrapped around the youngers waist, Jungkooks hands were also underneath the others shirt and had a tight grip on his bare skin. Not one of them seemed to have the intention of breaking the kiss for air anytime soon.

Hoseok imagines it being very difficult to be in the same dance group as the person you are in a  relationship with. He imagines a lot of sexual tension spiraling but he can't help but feel disgusted at the two. Public places wasn't really a turn on for Hoseok.

What can he say, he would rather it be in the comfort of his own house then out in the open for all to see. Like he doesn't have enough insecurities, never mind having them for people to possibly look and judge them.

Of course Chanyeol was the complete opposite, no matter where they went he was always teasing Hoseok in a way. Unfortunately Hoseok never found it arousing, the fear of getting caught was enough for him to not have a good reaction which obviously annoyed his boyfriend.

Hoseok then saw blonde hair and then he appeared at the door making a smile appear on Hoseoks face. "Hyung!" He called and ushered him to come in. When he came in he smiled at the younger boy but then his eyes traveled to Jimin and Jungkook and and gave a disgusted face but shook his head and walked over to Hoseok. "What brings you here?" He asked and finished tying his shoe.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner." The other two stopped making out and looked at the two. Hoseok gave a quizzical look and motioned down to his sweaty gym clothes and Yoongi smiled. "It's okay, no where fancy. I just want to get takeout or something and I thought I would treat you." Hoseok smiled and nodded and went to get up but Yoongi held his hand out to help the younger get to his feet, which he took gratefully and Yoongi pulled him up. 

Hoseok walked over to the speaker and grabbed his phone. He then looked at the younger couple and laughed at their position. "I should be back later." He said and they both nodded and Hoseok walked over and grabbed his gym bag and they walked out.

In to the schools parking lot and then leaving the campus making Hoseok give him a questioning look. Yoongi noticed this and looked at him. "I didn't want the trouble of a roommate so I got an apartment off campus." He explained and Hoseok nodded in understanding and smiled.

"That's useful." Hoseok said innocently and Yoongi smirked.

"Yeah, no disturbances for all the raging sex I have." 

Hoseok began to choke on air and he heaved and looked up at him and glared which caused Yoongi to chuckle. "I'm kidding baby boy."


Yoongi unlocked the door to his apartment and they walked in. "Sorry for the mess." He said and Hoseok only smiled. There wasn't even that big of a mess. There was a few empty takeout boxes at the side of the kitchen counter and there was paint at the side of the room and there was also pieces of paper scattered around the coffee table with random words scribbled on it but overall it was tidy. "I'll go put these on the plates, take a seat and turn on the TV." He said as he brought the greasy bag into the kitchen and began setting the food out.

Hoseok mindlessly scrolled through the channels with no interest whatsoever so he just put on a rerun of a drama that he already seen and leaned back before watching it. "Weightlifting fairy, nice choice." Yoongi complimented and set the bowls of food on the table.

Hoseok nodded and picked up his bowl and chopsticks and began to eat. "I have already finished it though, so its just a re-run." He shrugged and lay back and sighed in content at his comfort. 

"I was very satisfied with the ending." Yoongi nodded in agreement. "I don't usually watch dramas, but the recent ones are very good." Hoseok hummed in agreement whilst slurping. 

There was a silence. It wasn't complete silence, there was a familiar buzz of the tv in the background and the occasional  slurping from the pair whilst they were eating but it was very strange to Hoseok.

He was in a comfortable silence which he is definitely not used to. He then remembered the conversation he had with Jungkook earlier today and decided to take his advice and try and get to know Yoongi better. 

"So tell me about yourself, hyung." Hoseok said and immediately cringed at his unsubtle approach. Yoongi nodded and turned around to face him. 

"What do you want to know?" He asked leaning back. Hoseok shrugged. 

"Where is your hometown?" He asked.

"Daegu, you?"

"Gwangju." He sighed.

"That's cool! I have a cousin that lives ear there and I go down to visit him around Christmas time!"  Yoongi smiled and thought about the memory.

"Um, what's your favorite movie?" He asked and Yoongi chuckled. 

"It's actually an English movie." He said and Hoseok widened his eyes

"You speak English?"  

Yoongi shook his head and laughed. "Korean subtitles." He said and Hoseok laughed and nodded. "It's called the notebook." 

Hoseok widened his eyes and immediately started to laugh. "No way! Hard-ass Hyung likes romantic movies!" Yoongi sighed and lay back.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't know the movie." He groaned. "You don't have to use honorifics around me by the way." He said and Hoseok widened his eyes. 

"No! That would be so disrespectful!" He said and Yoongi showed one of his gummy smiles and set both bowls down and looked at him.

"I would prefer it if you didn't use honorifics on me Hoseok-ah" He said looking Hoseok right in the eye and Hoseok could feel himself melt.




I really wanted to spend the summer relaxing so I kind of went on a break from writing. I also had no inspiration for this chapter so I am really sorry that its really bad. I also don't know if the honorific thing is a good thing but I think if they are in a relationship then they wouldn't use honorifics? Even though they aren't in a relationship I thought it would be nice? Maybe im dumb idk.

Also I go back to school this Friday so I don't know if hat will affect the update but it shouldn't for a while since we don't get too much for like the first month.

I will try harder to make more chapters!

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